Profile:Flexfields:Validate On Server

Flexfields:Validate On Server

Flexfield server-side validation is supplied with the base 10.7 install and as part of a 10SC patch for 10.6 releases.

This profile option is set to "Yes" to enable server side, PL/SQL flexfields validation for Key Flexfields.This improves performance when using Key Flexfields over a wide area network by reducing the number of network round trips needed to validate the entered segment combinations.With this profile set to 'Y', the validation request will be sent to the server, and no network traffic happens until the validation is complete, whereas without server validation, each SQL lookup is driven from client code, thus many trips across the network are made

for each validation. The actual validation that takes place should be the same, whether done with Validate on Server set to 'Y' or 'N'.

  • NOTE1: "Validate on Server" profile option supports KEY flexfields ONLY
  • NOTE2: If you are using flexfields server-side validation, you cannot use form field references (:block.field). You must either remove your field references or turn off flexfields server-side validation using the profile option Flexfields:Validate on Server.
  • NOTE3:One misconception is that this profile will turn off validation. It does NOT turn validation off. Its purpose is to help performance for users with wide-area network environments by reducing the network traffic associated with flex validation.

There are a few restrictions, and these are stated in the Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide (for rel 11i, page 4-34 and again on 4-37). To quote the first instance, "If you are using flexfield server-side validation, you cannot use form field references (:block.field). You must either remove your field references or turn off flexfields server-side validation..."
The reason is that the resolution of the bind variables in the value set is done on the server prior to sending a message back to the client, and there is no way to reference the value of a field on the form at that point.

Another restriction is that the block AND field referenced MUST be available on EVERY form where this value set could be used. (page 4-36)

One more piece of information should be noted here, if using the flexfield PLSQL APIs for direct validation for either key or descriptive flexfields, these all use server-side validation regardless of the profile option setting.

This setting should not resolve form errors, nor should it be recommended that a customer correct a form error by modifying this setting. If a form error can be resolved by changing this setting, it should be considered a 'Workaround', not a fix. A bug should be logged against the form for a formal 'Fix'.


Users can see and update this profile option.This profile option is visible and updatable at all four levels.

Level Visible Allow Update
Site Yes Yes
Application Yes Yes
Responsibility Yes Yes
User Yes Yes

The internal name for this profile option is FLEXFIELDS:VALIDATE_ON_SERVER


FLEXFIELDS: Validate on Server Profile Option (Doc ID 273044.1)

