
* Copyright (c) 2008 Greg Whalin
* All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the BSD license
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be
* useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* You should have received a copy of the BSD License along with this
* library.
* @author Greg Whalin <>
package com.yulong.memcached;

import java.util.*;
import java.nio.*;         
import java.nio.charset.*; 
import java.nio.channels.*;
import java.nio.channels.spi.*;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

* This is a Memcached client for the Java platform available from
*  <a href="http:/"></a>.
* <br/>
* Supports setting, adding, replacing, deleting compressed/uncompressed and<br/>
* serialized (can be stored as string if object is native class) objects to memcached.<br/>
* <br/>
* Now pulls SockIO objects from SockIOPool, which is a connection pool.  The server failover<br/>
* has also been moved into the SockIOPool class.<br/>
* This pool needs to be initialized prior to the client working.  See javadocs from SockIOPool.<br/>
* <br/>
* Some examples of use follow.<br/>
* <h3>To create cache client object and set params:</h3>
* <pre>
* MemcachedClient mc = new MemcachedClient();
* // compression is enabled by default
* mc.setCompressEnable(true);
* // set compression threshhold to 4 KB (default: 15 KB)
* mc.setCompressThreshold(4096);
* // turn on storing primitive types as a string representation
* // Should not do this in most cases.
* mc.setPrimitiveAsString(true);
* </pre>
* <h3>To store an object:</h3>
* <pre>
* MemcachedClient mc = new MemcachedClient();
* String key   = "cacheKey1";
* Object value = SomeClass.getObject();
* mc.set(key, value);
* </pre>
* <h3>To store an object using a custom server hashCode:</h3>
* <pre>
* MemcachedClient mc = new MemcachedClient();
* String key   = "cacheKey1";
* Object value = SomeClass.getObject();
* Integer hash = new Integer(45);
* mc.set(key, value, hash);
* </pre>
* The set method shown above will always set the object in the cache.<br/>
* The add and replace methods do the same, but with a slight difference.<br/>
* <ul>
* <li>add -- will store the object only if the server does not have an entry for this key</li>
* <li>replace -- will store the object only if the server already has an entry for this key</li>
* </ul>
* <h3>To delete a cache entry:</h3>
* <pre>
* MemcachedClient mc = new MemcachedClient();
* String key   = "cacheKey1";
* mc.delete(key);
* </pre>
* <h3>To delete a cache entry using a custom hash code:</h3>
* <pre>
* MemcachedClient mc = new MemcachedClient();
* String key   = "cacheKey1";
* Integer hash = new Integer(45);
* mc.delete(key, hashCode);
* </pre>
* <h3>To store a counter and then increment or decrement that counter:</h3>
* <pre>
* MemcachedClient mc = new MemcachedClient();
* String key   = "counterKey";
* mc.storeCounter(key, new Integer(100));
* System.out.println("counter after adding      1: " mc.incr(key));
* System.out.println("counter after adding      5: " mc.incr(key, 5));
* System.out.println("counter after subtracting 4: " mc.decr(key, 4));
* System.out.println("counter after subtracting 1: " mc.decr(key));
* </pre>
* <h3>To store a counter and then increment or decrement that counter with custom hash:</h3>
* <pre>
* MemcachedClient mc = new MemcachedClient();
* String key   = "counterKey";
* Integer hash = new Integer(45);
* mc.storeCounter(key, new Integer(100), hash);
* System.out.println("counter after adding      1: " mc.incr(key, 1, hash));
* System.out.println("counter after adding      5: " mc.incr(key, 5, hash));
* System.out.println("counter after subtracting 4: " mc.decr(key, 4, hash));
* System.out.println("counter after subtracting 1: " mc.decr(key, 1, hash));
* </pre>
* <h3>To retrieve an object from the cache:</h3>
* <pre>
* MemcachedClient mc = new MemcachedClient();
* String key   = "key";
* Object value = mc.get(key);
* </pre>
* <h3>To retrieve an object from the cache with custom hash:</h3>
* <pre>
* MemcachedClient mc = new MemcachedClient();
* String key   = "key";
* Integer hash = new Integer(45);
* Object value = mc.get(key, hash);
* </pre>
* <h3>To retrieve an multiple objects from the cache</h3>
* <pre>
* MemcachedClient mc = new MemcachedClient();
* String[] keys      = { "key", "key1", "key2" };
* Map&lt;Object&gt; values = mc.getMulti(keys);
* </pre>
* <h3>To retrieve an multiple objects from the cache with custom hashing</h3>
* <pre>
* MemcachedClient mc = new MemcachedClient();
* String[] keys      = { "key", "key1", "key2" };
* Integer[] hashes   = { new Integer(45), new Integer(32), new Integer(44) };
* Map&lt;Object&gt; values = mc.getMulti(keys, hashes);
* </pre>
* <h3>To flush all items in server(s)</h3>
* <pre>
* MemcachedClient mc = new MemcachedClient();
* mc.flushAll();
* </pre>
* <h3>To get stats from server(s)</h3>
* <pre>
* MemcachedClient mc = new MemcachedClient();
* Map stats = mc.stats();
* </pre>
* @author greg whalin <>
* @author Richard 'toast' Russo <>
* @author Kevin Burton <>
* @author Robert Watts <>
* @author Vin Chawla <>
* @version 1.5
public class MemcachedClient {

// logger
private static Logger log =
Logger.getLogger( MemcachedClient.class.getName() );

// return codes
private static final String VALUE        = "VALUE"; // start of value line from server
private static final String STATS        = "STAT"; // start of stats line from server
private static final String ITEM         = "ITEM"; // start of item line from server
private static final String DELETED      = "DELETED"; // successful deletion
private static final String NOTFOUND     = "NOT_FOUND"; // record not found for delete or incr/decr
private static final String STORED       = "STORED"; // successful store of data
private static final String NOTSTORED    = "NOT_STORED"; // data not stored
private static final String OK           = "OK"; // success
private static final String END          = "END"; // end of data from server

private static final String ERROR        = "ERROR"; // invalid command name from client
private static final String CLIENT_ERROR = "CLIENT_ERROR"; // client error in input line - invalid protocol
private static final String SERVER_ERROR = "SERVER_ERROR"; // server error

private static final byte[] B_END        = "END\r\n".getBytes();
private static final byte[] B_NOTFOUND   = "NOT_FOUND\r\n".getBytes();
private static final byte[] B_DELETED    = "DELETED\r\r".getBytes();
private static final byte[] B_STORED     = "STORED\r\r".getBytes();

// default compression threshold
private static final int COMPRESS_THRESH = 30720;
// values for cache flags
public static final int MARKER_BYTE             = 1;
public static final int MARKER_BOOLEAN          = 8192;
public static final int MARKER_INTEGER          = 4;
public static final int MARKER_LONG             = 16384;
public static final int MARKER_CHARACTER        = 16;
public static final int MARKER_STRING           = 32;
public static final int MARKER_STRINGBUFFER     = 64;
public static final int MARKER_FLOAT            = 128;
public static final int MARKER_SHORT            = 256;
public static final int MARKER_DOUBLE           = 512;
public static final int MARKER_DATE             = 1024;
public static final int MARKER_STRINGBUILDER    = 2048;
public static final int MARKER_BYTEARR          = 4096;
public static final int F_COMPRESSED            = 2;
public static final int F_SERIALIZED            = 8;

// flags
private boolean sanitizeKeys;
private boolean primitiveAsString;
private boolean compressEnable;
private long compressThreshold;
private String defaultEncoding;

// pool instance
private SockIOPool pool;

// which pool to use
private String poolName;

// optional passed in classloader
private ClassLoader classLoader;

// optional error handler
private ErrorHandler errorHandler;

* Creates a new instance of MemCachedClient.
public MemcachedClient() {

* Creates a new instance of MemCachedClient
* accepting a passed in pool name.
* @param poolName name of SockIOPool
public MemcachedClient( String poolName ) {
this.poolName = poolName;

* Creates a new instance of MemCacheClient but
* acceptes a passed in ClassLoader.
* @param classLoader ClassLoader object.
public MemcachedClient( ClassLoader classLoader ) {
this.classLoader = classLoader;

* Creates a new instance of MemCacheClient but
* acceptes a passed in ClassLoader and a passed
* in ErrorHandler.
* @param classLoader ClassLoader object.
* @param errorHandler ErrorHandler object.
public MemcachedClient( ClassLoader classLoader, ErrorHandler errorHandler ) {
this.classLoader  = classLoader;
this.errorHandler = errorHandler;

* Creates a new instance of MemCacheClient but
* acceptes a passed in ClassLoader, ErrorHandler,
* and SockIOPool name.
* @param classLoader ClassLoader object.
* @param errorHandler ErrorHandler object.
* @param poolName SockIOPool name
public MemcachedClient( ClassLoader classLoader, ErrorHandler errorHandler, String poolName ) {
this.classLoader  = classLoader;
this.errorHandler = errorHandler;
this.poolName     = poolName;

* Initializes client object to defaults.
* This enables compression and sets compression threshhold to 15 KB.
private void init() {
this.sanitizeKeys       = true;
this.primitiveAsString  = false;
this.compressEnable     = true;
this.compressThreshold  = COMPRESS_THRESH;
this.defaultEncoding    = "UTF-8";
this.poolName           = ( this.poolName == null ) ? "default" : this.poolName;

// get a pool instance to work with for the life of this instance
this.pool               = SockIOPool.getInstance( poolName );

* Sets an optional ClassLoader to be used for
* serialization.
* @param classLoader
public void setClassLoader( ClassLoader classLoader ) {
this.classLoader = classLoader;

* Sets an optional ErrorHandler.
* @param errorHandler
public void setErrorHandler( ErrorHandler errorHandler ) {
this.errorHandler = errorHandler;

* Enables/disables sanitizing keys by URLEncoding.
* @param sanitizeKeys if true, then URLEncode all keys
public void setSanitizeKeys( boolean sanitizeKeys ) {
this.sanitizeKeys = sanitizeKeys;

* Enables storing primitive types as their String values.
* @param primitiveAsString if true, then store all primitives as their string value.
public void setPrimitiveAsString( boolean primitiveAsString ) {
this.primitiveAsString = primitiveAsString;

* Sets default String encoding when storing primitives as Strings.
* Default is UTF-8.
* @param defaultEncoding
public void setDefaultEncoding( String defaultEncoding ) {
this.defaultEncoding = defaultEncoding;

* Enable storing compressed data, provided it meets the threshold requirements.
* If enabled, data will be stored in compressed form if it is<br/>
* longer than the threshold length set with setCompressThreshold(int)<br/>
* The default is that compression is enabled.<br/>
* Even if compression is disabled, compressed data will be automatically<br/>
* decompressed.
* @param compressEnable <CODE>true</CODE> to enable compression, <CODE>false</CODE> to disable compression
public void setCompressEnable( boolean compressEnable ) {
this.compressEnable = compressEnable;
* Sets the required length for data to be considered for compression.
* If the length of the data to be stored is not equal or larger than this value, it will
* not be compressed.
* This defaults to 15 KB.
* @param compressThreshold required length of data to consider compression
public void setCompressThreshold( long compressThreshold ) {
this.compressThreshold = compressThreshold;

* Checks to see if key exists in cache.
* @param key the key to look for
* @return true if key found in cache, false if not (or if cache is down)
public boolean keyExists( String key ) {
return ( this.get( key, null, true ) != null );

* Deletes an object from cache given cache key.
* @param key the key to be removed
* @return <code>true</code>, if the data was deleted successfully
public boolean delete( String key ) {
return delete( key, null, null );

* Deletes an object from cache given cache key and expiration date.
* @param key the key to be removed
* @param expiry when to expire the record.
* @return <code>true</code>, if the data was deleted successfully
public boolean delete( String key, Date expiry ) {
return delete( key, null, expiry );

* Deletes an object from cache given cache key, a delete time, and an optional hashcode.
*  The item is immediately made non retrievable.<br/>
*  Keep in mind {@link #add(String, Object) add} and {@link #replace(String, Object) replace}<br/>
*  will fail when used with the same key will fail, until the server reaches the<br/>
*  specified time. However, {@link #set(String, Object) set} will succeed,<br/>
*  and the new value will not be deleted.
* @param key the key to be removed
* @param hashCode if not null, then the int hashcode to use
* @param expiry when to expire the record.
* @return <code>true</code>, if the data was deleted successfully
public boolean delete( String key, Integer hashCode, Date expiry ) {

if ( key == null ) {
log.error( "null value for key passed to delete()" );
return false;

try {
key = sanitizeKey( key );
catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException e ) {

// if we have an errorHandler, use its hook
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnDelete( this, e, key );

log.error( "failed to sanitize your key!", e );
return false;

// get SockIO obj from hash or from key
SockIOPool.SockIO sock = pool.getSock( key, hashCode );

// return false if unable to get SockIO obj
if ( sock == null ) {
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnDelete( this, new IOException( "no socket to server available" ), key );
return false;

// build command
StringBuilder command = new StringBuilder( "delete " ).append( key );
if ( expiry != null )
command.append( " " + expiry.getTime() / 1000 );

command.append( "\r\n" );

try {
sock.write( command.toString().getBytes() );

// if we get appropriate response back, then we return true
String line = sock.readLine();
if ( DELETED.equals( line ) ) {
if ( log.isInfoEnabled() ) "++++ deletion of key: " + key + " from cache was a success" );

// return sock to pool and bail here
sock = null;
return true;
else if ( NOTFOUND.equals( line ) ) {
if ( log.isInfoEnabled() ) "++++ deletion of key: " + key + " from cache failed as the key was not found" );
else {
log.error( "++++ error deleting key: " + key );
log.error( "++++ server response: " + line );
catch ( IOException e ) {

// if we have an errorHandler, use its hook
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnDelete( this, e, key );

// exception thrown
log.error( "++++ exception thrown while writing bytes to server on delete" );
log.error( e.getMessage(), e );

try {
catch ( IOException ioe ) {
log.error( "++++ failed to close socket : " + sock.toString() );

sock = null;

if ( sock != null ) {
sock = null;

return false;
* Stores data on the server; only the key and the value are specified.
* @param key key to store data under
* @param value value to store
* @return true, if the data was successfully stored
public boolean set( String key, Object value ) {
return set( "set", key, value, null, null, primitiveAsString );

* Stores data on the server; only the key and the value are specified.
* @param key key to store data under
* @param value value to store
* @param hashCode if not null, then the int hashcode to use
* @return true, if the data was successfully stored
public boolean set( String key, Object value, Integer hashCode ) {
return set( "set", key, value, null, hashCode, primitiveAsString );

* Stores data on the server; the key, value, and an expiration time are specified.
* @param key key to store data under
* @param value value to store
* @param expiry when to expire the record
* @return true, if the data was successfully stored
public boolean set( String key, Object value, Date expiry ) {
return set( "set", key, value, expiry, null, primitiveAsString );

* Stores data on the server; the key, value, and an expiration time are specified.
* @param key key to store data under
* @param value value to store
* @param expiry when to expire the record
* @param hashCode if not null, then the int hashcode to use
* @return true, if the data was successfully stored
public boolean set( String key, Object value, Date expiry, Integer hashCode ) {
return set( "set", key, value, expiry, hashCode, primitiveAsString );

* Adds data to the server; only the key and the value are specified.
* @param key key to store data under
* @param value value to store
* @return true, if the data was successfully stored
public boolean add( String key, Object value ) {
return set( "add", key, value, null, null, primitiveAsString );

* Adds data to the server; the key, value, and an optional hashcode are passed in.
* @param key key to store data under
* @param value value to store
* @param hashCode if not null, then the int hashcode to use
* @return true, if the data was successfully stored
public boolean add( String key, Object value, Integer hashCode ) {
return set( "add", key, value, null, hashCode, primitiveAsString );

* Adds data to the server; the key, value, and an expiration time are specified.
* @param key key to store data under
* @param value value to store
* @param expiry when to expire the record
* @return true, if the data was successfully stored
public boolean add( String key, Object value, Date expiry ) {
return set( "add", key, value, expiry, null, primitiveAsString );

* Adds data to the server; the key, value, and an expiration time are specified.
* @param key key to store data under
* @param value value to store
* @param expiry when to expire the record
* @param hashCode if not null, then the int hashcode to use
* @return true, if the data was successfully stored
public boolean add( String key, Object value, Date expiry, Integer hashCode ) {
return set( "add", key, value, expiry, hashCode, primitiveAsString );

* Updates data on the server; only the key and the value are specified.
* @param key key to store data under
* @param value value to store
* @return true, if the data was successfully stored
public boolean replace( String key, Object value ) {
return set( "replace", key, value, null, null, primitiveAsString );

* Updates data on the server; only the key and the value and an optional hash are specified.
* @param key key to store data under
* @param value value to store
* @param hashCode if not null, then the int hashcode to use
* @return true, if the data was successfully stored
public boolean replace( String key, Object value, Integer hashCode ) {
return set( "replace", key, value, null, hashCode, primitiveAsString );

* Updates data on the server; the key, value, and an expiration time are specified.
* @param key key to store data under
* @param value value to store
* @param expiry when to expire the record
* @return true, if the data was successfully stored
public boolean replace( String key, Object value, Date expiry ) {
return set( "replace", key, value, expiry, null, primitiveAsString );

* Updates data on the server; the key, value, and an expiration time are specified.
* @param key key to store data under
* @param value value to store
* @param expiry when to expire the record
* @param hashCode if not null, then the int hashcode to use
* @return true, if the data was successfully stored
public boolean replace( String key, Object value, Date expiry, Integer hashCode ) {
return set( "replace", key, value, expiry, hashCode, primitiveAsString );

* Stores data to cache.
* If data does not already exist for this key on the server, or if the key is being<br/>
* deleted, the specified value will not be stored.<br/>
* The server will automatically delete the value when the expiration time has been reached.<br/>
* <br/>
* If compression is enabled, and the data is longer than the compression threshold<br/>
* the data will be stored in compressed form.<br/>
* <br/>
* As of the current release, all objects stored will use java serialization.
* @param cmdname action to take (set, add, replace)
* @param key key to store cache under
* @param value object to cache
* @param expiry expiration
* @param hashCode if not null, then the int hashcode to use
* @param asString store this object as a string?
* @return true/false indicating success
private boolean set( String cmdname, String key, Object value, Date expiry, Integer hashCode, boolean asString ) {

if ( cmdname == null || cmdname.trim().equals( "" ) || key == null ) {
log.error( "key is null or cmd is null/empty for set()" );
return false;

try {
key = sanitizeKey( key );
catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException e ) {

// if we have an errorHandler, use its hook
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnSet( this, e, key );

log.error( "failed to sanitize your key!", e );
return false;

if ( value == null ) {
log.warn( "trying to store a null value to cache,key="+key+",cmdname="+cmdname );
return false;

// get SockIO obj
SockIOPool.SockIO sock = pool.getSock( key, hashCode );

if ( sock == null ) {
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnSet( this, new IOException( "no socket to server available" ), key );
return false;

if ( expiry == null )
expiry = new Date(0);

// store flags
int flags = 0;

// byte array to hold data
byte[] val;

        if ( NativeHandler.isHandled( value ) ) {

if ( asString ) {
// useful for sharing data between java and non-java
// and also for storing ints for the increment method
try {
if ( log.isInfoEnabled() ) "++++ storing data as a string for key: " + key + " for class: " + value.getClass().getName() );
val = value.toString().getBytes( defaultEncoding );
catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException ue ) {

// if we have an errorHandler, use its hook
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnSet( this, ue, key );

log.error( "invalid encoding type used: " + defaultEncoding, ue );
sock = null;
return false;
else {
try {
if ( log.isInfoEnabled() ) "Storing with native handler..." );
flags |= NativeHandler.getMarkerFlag( value );
val    = NativeHandler.encode( value );
catch ( Exception e ) {

// if we have an errorHandler, use its hook
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnSet( this, e, key );

log.error( "Failed to native handle obj", e );

sock = null;
return false;
else {
// always serialize for non-primitive types
try {
if ( log.isInfoEnabled() ) "++++ serializing for key: " + key + " for class: " + value.getClass().getName() );
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
(new ObjectOutputStream( bos )).writeObject( value );
val = bos.toByteArray();
flags |= F_SERIALIZED;
catch ( IOException e ) {

// if we have an errorHandler, use its hook
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnSet( this, e, key );

// if we fail to serialize, then
// we bail
log.error( "failed to serialize obj", e );
log.error( value.toString() );

// return socket to pool and bail
sock = null;
return false;

// now try to compress if we want to
// and if the length is over the threshold
if ( compressEnable && val.length > compressThreshold ) {

try {
if ( log.isInfoEnabled() ) { "++++ trying to compress data" ); "++++ size prior to compression: " + val.length );
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream( val.length );
GZIPOutputStream gos = new GZIPOutputStream( bos );
gos.write( val, 0, val.length );

// store it and set compression flag
val = bos.toByteArray();
flags |= F_COMPRESSED;

if ( log.isInfoEnabled() ) "++++ compression succeeded, size after: " + val.length );
catch ( IOException e ) {

// if we have an errorHandler, use its hook
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnSet( this, e, key );

log.error( "IOException while compressing stream: " + e.getMessage() );
log.error( "storing data uncompressed" );

// now write the data to the cache server
try {
String cmd = String.format( "%s %s %d %d %d\r\n", cmdname, key, flags, (expiry.getTime() / 1000), val.length );
sock.write( cmd.getBytes() );
sock.write( val );
sock.write( "\r\n".getBytes() );

// get result code
String line = sock.readLine();
if ( log.isInfoEnabled() ) "++++ memcache cmd (result code): " + cmd + " (" + line + ")" );

if ( STORED.equals( line ) ) {
if ( log.isInfoEnabled() )"++++ data successfully stored for key: " + key );
sock = null;
return true;
else if ( NOTSTORED.equals( line ) ) {
if ( log.isInfoEnabled() ) "++++ data not stored in cache for key: " + key );
else {
log.error( "++++ error storing data in cache for key: " + key + " -- length: " + val.length );
log.error( "++++ server response: " + line );
catch ( IOException e ) {

// if we have an errorHandler, use its hook
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnSet( this, e, key );

// exception thrown
log.error( "++++ exception thrown while writing bytes to server on set" );
log.error( e.getMessage(), e );

try {
catch ( IOException ioe ) {
log.error( "++++ failed to close socket : " + sock.toString() );

sock = null;

if ( sock != null ) {
sock = null;

return false;

* Store a counter to memcached given a key
* @param key cache key
* @param counter number to store
* @return true/false indicating success
public boolean storeCounter( String key, long counter ) {
return set( "set", key, new Long( counter ), null, null, true );

* Store a counter to memcached given a key
* @param key cache key
* @param counter number to store
* @return true/false indicating success
public boolean storeCounter( String key, Long counter ) {
return set( "set", key, counter, null, null, true );
* Store a counter to memcached given a key
* @param key cache key
* @param counter number to store
* @param hashCode if not null, then the int hashcode to use
* @return true/false indicating success
public boolean storeCounter( String key, Long counter, Integer hashCode ) {
return set( "set", key, counter, null, hashCode, true );

* Returns value in counter at given key as long.
* @param key cache ket
* @return counter value or -1 if not found
public long getCounter( String key ) {
return getCounter( key, null );

* Returns value in counter at given key as long.
* @param key cache ket
* @param hashCode if not null, then the int hashcode to use
* @return counter value or -1 if not found
public long getCounter( String key, Integer hashCode ) {

if ( key == null ) {
log.error( "null key for getCounter()" );
return -1;

long counter = -1;
try {
counter = Long.parseLong( (String)get( key, hashCode, true ) );
catch ( Exception ex ) {

// if we have an errorHandler, use its hook
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnGet( this, ex, key );

// not found or error getting out
if ( log.isInfoEnabled() ) String.format( "Failed to parse Long value for key: %s", key ) );

return counter;

* Thread safe way to initialize and increment a counter.
* @param key key where the data is stored
* @return value of incrementer
public long addOrIncr( String key ) {
return addOrIncr( key, 0, null );

* Thread safe way to initialize and increment a counter.
* @param key key where the data is stored
* @param inc value to set or increment by
* @return value of incrementer
public long addOrIncr( String key, long inc ) {
return addOrIncr( key, inc, null );

* Thread safe way to initialize and increment a counter.
* @param key key where the data is stored
* @param inc value to set or increment by
* @param hashCode if not null, then the int hashcode to use
* @return value of incrementer
public long addOrIncr( String key, long inc, Integer hashCode ) {
boolean ret = set( "add", key, new Long( inc ), null, hashCode, true );

if ( ret ) {
return inc;
else {
return incrdecr( "incr", key, inc, hashCode );

* Thread safe way to initialize and decrement a counter.
* @param key key where the data is stored
* @return value of incrementer
public long addOrDecr( String key ) {
return addOrDecr( key, 0, null );

* Thread safe way to initialize and decrement a counter.
* @param key key where the data is stored
* @param inc value to set or increment by
* @return value of incrementer
public long addOrDecr( String key, long inc ) {
return addOrDecr( key, inc, null );

* Thread safe way to initialize and decrement a counter.
* @param key key where the data is stored
* @param inc value to set or increment by
* @param hashCode if not null, then the int hashcode to use
* @return value of incrementer
public long addOrDecr( String key, long inc, Integer hashCode ) {
boolean ret = set( "add", key, new Long( inc ), null, hashCode, true );

if ( ret ) {
return inc;
else {
return incrdecr( "decr", key, inc, hashCode );

* Increment the value at the specified key by 1, and then return it.
* @param key key where the data is stored
* @return -1, if the key is not found, the value after incrementing otherwise
public long incr( String key ) {
return incrdecr( "incr", key, 1, null );

* Increment the value at the specified key by passed in val.
* @param key key where the data is stored
* @param inc how much to increment by
* @return -1, if the key is not found, the value after incrementing otherwise
public long incr( String key, long inc ) {
return incrdecr( "incr", key, inc, null );

* Increment the value at the specified key by the specified increment, and then return it.
* @param key key where the data is stored
* @param inc how much to increment by
* @param hashCode if not null, then the int hashcode to use
* @return -1, if the key is not found, the value after incrementing otherwise
public long incr( String key, long inc, Integer hashCode ) {
return incrdecr( "incr", key, inc, hashCode );

* Decrement the value at the specified key by 1, and then return it.
* @param key key where the data is stored
* @return -1, if the key is not found, the value after incrementing otherwise
public long decr( String key ) {
return incrdecr( "decr", key, 1, null );

* Decrement the value at the specified key by passed in value, and then return it.
* @param key key where the data is stored
* @param inc how much to increment by
* @return -1, if the key is not found, the value after incrementing otherwise
public long decr( String key, long inc ) {
return incrdecr( "decr", key, inc, null );

* Decrement the value at the specified key by the specified increment, and then return it.
* @param key key where the data is stored
* @param inc how much to increment by
* @param hashCode if not null, then the int hashcode to use
* @return -1, if the key is not found, the value after incrementing otherwise
public long decr( String key, long inc, Integer hashCode ) {
return incrdecr( "decr", key, inc, hashCode );

* Increments/decrements the value at the specified key by inc.
*  Note that the server uses a 32-bit unsigned integer, and checks for<br/>
*  underflow. In the event of underflow, the result will be zero.  Because<br/>
*  Java lacks unsigned types, the value is returned as a 64-bit integer.<br/>
*  The server will only decrement a value if it already exists;<br/>
*  if a value is not found, -1 will be returned.
* @param cmdname increment/decrement
* @param key cache key
* @param inc amount to incr or decr
* @param hashCode if not null, then the int hashcode to use
* @return new value or -1 if not exist
private long incrdecr( String cmdname, String key, long inc, Integer hashCode ) {

if ( key == null ) {
log.error( "null key for incrdecr()" );
return -1;

try {
key = sanitizeKey( key );
catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException e ) {

// if we have an errorHandler, use its hook
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnGet( this, e, key );

log.error( "failed to sanitize your key!", e );
return -1;

// get SockIO obj for given cache key
SockIOPool.SockIO sock = pool.getSock( key, hashCode );

if ( sock == null ) {
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnSet( this, new IOException( "no socket to server available" ), key );
return -1;

try {
String cmd = String.format( "%s %s %d\r\n", cmdname, key, inc );
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( "++++ memcache incr/decr command: " + cmd );

sock.write( cmd.getBytes() );

// get result back
String line = sock.readLine();

if ( line.matches( "\\d+" ) ) {

// return sock to pool and return result
try {
return Long.parseLong( line );
catch ( Exception ex ) {

// if we have an errorHandler, use its hook
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnGet( this, ex, key );

log.error( String.format( "Failed to parse Long value for key: %s", key ) );
else if ( NOTFOUND.equals( line ) ) {
if ( log.isInfoEnabled() ) "++++ key not found to incr/decr for key: " + key );
else {
log.error( "++++ error incr/decr key: " + key );
log.error( "++++ server response: " + line );
catch ( IOException e ) {

// if we have an errorHandler, use its hook
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnGet( this, e, key );

// exception thrown
log.error( "++++ exception thrown while writing bytes to server on incr/decr" );
log.error( e.getMessage(), e );

try {
catch ( IOException ioe ) {
log.error( "++++ failed to close socket : " + sock.toString() );

sock = null;

if ( sock != null ) {
sock = null;

return -1;

* Retrieve a key from the server, using a specific hash.
*  If the data was compressed or serialized when compressed, it will automatically<br/>
*  be decompressed or serialized, as appropriate. (Inclusive or)<br/>
*  Non-serialized data will be returned as a string, so explicit conversion to<br/>
*  numeric types will be necessary, if desired<br/>
* @param key key where data is stored
* @return the object that was previously stored, or null if it was not previously stored
public Object get( String key ) {
return get( key, null, false );

* Retrieve a key from the server, using a specific hash.
*  If the data was compressed or serialized when compressed, it will automatically<br/>
*  be decompressed or serialized, as appropriate. (Inclusive or)<br/>
*  Non-serialized data will be returned as a string, so explicit conversion to<br/>
*  numeric types will be necessary, if desired<br/>
* @param key key where data is stored
* @param hashCode if not null, then the int hashcode to use
* @return the object that was previously stored, or null if it was not previously stored
public Object get( String key, Integer hashCode ) {
return get( key, hashCode, false );

* Retrieve a key from the server, using a specific hash.
*  If the data was compressed or serialized when compressed, it will automatically<br/>
*  be decompressed or serialized, as appropriate. (Inclusive or)<br/>
*  Non-serialized data will be returned as a string, so explicit conversion to<br/>
*  numeric types will be necessary, if desired<br/>
* @param key key where data is stored
* @param hashCode if not null, then the int hashcode to use
* @param asString if true, then return string val
* @return the object that was previously stored, or null if it was not previously stored
public Object get( String key, Integer hashCode, boolean asString ) {

if ( key == null ) {
log.error( "key is null for get()" );
return null;

try {
key = sanitizeKey( key );
catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException e ) {

// if we have an errorHandler, use its hook
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnGet( this, e, key );

log.error( "failed to sanitize your key!", e );
return null;

// get SockIO obj using cache key
SockIOPool.SockIO sock = pool.getSock( key, hashCode );
    if ( sock == null ) {
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnGet( this, new IOException( "no socket to server available" ), key );
return null;

try {
String cmd = "get " + key + "\r\n";

if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug("++++ memcache get command: " + cmd);

sock.write( cmd.getBytes() );

// ready object
Object o = null;

while ( true ) {
String line = sock.readLine();

if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( "++++ line: " + line );

if ( line.startsWith( VALUE ) ) {
String[] info = line.split(" ");
int flag      = Integer.parseInt( info[2] );
int length    = Integer.parseInt( info[3] );

if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug( "++++ key: " + key );
log.debug( "++++ flags: " + flag );
log.debug( "++++ length: " + length );

// read obj into buffer
byte[] buf = new byte[length]; buf );

if ( (flag & F_COMPRESSED) == F_COMPRESSED ) {
try {
// read the input stream, and write to a byte array output stream since
// we have to read into a byte array, but we don't know how large it
// will need to be, and we don't want to resize it a bunch
GZIPInputStream gzi = new GZIPInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream( buf ) );
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream( buf.length );

int count;
byte[] tmp = new byte[2048];
while ( (count = != -1 ) {
bos.write( tmp, 0, count );

// store uncompressed back to buffer
buf = bos.toByteArray();
catch ( IOException e ) {

// if we have an errorHandler, use its hook
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnGet( this, e, key );

log.error( "++++ IOException thrown while trying to uncompress input stream for key: " + key + " -- " + e.getMessage() );
throw new NestedIOException( "++++ IOException thrown while trying to uncompress input stream for key: " + key, e );

// we can only take out serialized objects
if ( ( flag & F_SERIALIZED ) != F_SERIALIZED ) {
if ( primitiveAsString || asString ) {
// pulling out string value
if ( log.isInfoEnabled() ) "++++ retrieving object and stuffing into a string." );
o = new String( buf, defaultEncoding );
else {
// decoding object
try {
o = NativeHandler.decode( buf, flag );   
catch ( Exception e ) {

// if we have an errorHandler, use its hook
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnGet( this, e, key );

log.error( "++++ Exception thrown while trying to deserialize for key: " + key, e );
throw new NestedIOException( e );
else {
// deserialize if the data is serialized
ContextObjectInputStream ois =
new ContextObjectInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream( buf ), classLoader );
try {
o = ois.readObject();
if ( log.isInfoEnabled() ) "++++ deserializing " + o.getClass() );
catch ( Exception e ) {
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnGet( this, e, key );

o = null;
log.error( "++++ Exception thrown while trying to deserialize for key: " + key + " -- " + e.getMessage() );
else if ( END.equals( line ) ) {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( "++++ finished reading from cache server" );

sock = null;
return o;
catch ( IOException e ) {

// if we have an errorHandler, use its hook
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnGet( this, e, key );

// exception thrown
log.error( "++++ exception thrown while trying to get object from cache for key: " + key + " -- " + e.getMessage() );

try {
catch ( IOException ioe ) {
log.error( "++++ failed to close socket : " + sock.toString() );
sock = null;

if ( sock != null )

return null;

* Retrieve multiple objects from the memcache.
*  This is recommended over repeated calls to {@link #get(String) get()}, since it<br/>
*  is more efficient.<br/>
* @param keys String array of keys to retrieve
* @return Object array ordered in same order as key array containing results
public Object[] getMultiArray( String[] keys ) {
return getMultiArray( keys, null, false );

* Retrieve multiple objects from the memcache.
*  This is recommended over repeated calls to {@link #get(String) get()}, since it<br/>
*  is more efficient.<br/>
* @param keys String array of keys to retrieve
* @param hashCodes if not null, then the Integer array of hashCodes
* @return Object array ordered in same order as key array containing results
public Object[] getMultiArray( String[] keys, Integer[] hashCodes ) {
return getMultiArray( keys, hashCodes, false );

* Retrieve multiple objects from the memcache.
*  This is recommended over repeated calls to {@link #get(String) get()}, since it<br/>
*  is more efficient.<br/>
* @param keys String array of keys to retrieve
* @param hashCodes if not null, then the Integer array of hashCodes
* @param asString if true, retrieve string vals
* @return Object array ordered in same order as key array containing results
public Object[] getMultiArray( String[] keys, Integer[] hashCodes, boolean asString ) {

Map<String,Object> data = getMulti( keys, hashCodes, asString );

if ( data == null )
return null;

Object[] res = new Object[ keys.length ];
for ( int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) {
res[i] = data.get( keys[i] );

return res;

* Retrieve multiple objects from the memcache.
*  This is recommended over repeated calls to {@link #get(String) get()}, since it<br/>
*  is more efficient.<br/>
* @param keys String array of keys to retrieve
* @return a hashmap with entries for each key is found by the server,
*      keys that are not found are not entered into the hashmap, but attempting to
*      retrieve them from the hashmap gives you null.
public Map<String,Object> getMulti( String[] keys ) {
return getMulti( keys, null, false );
* Retrieve multiple keys from the memcache.
*  This is recommended over repeated calls to {@link #get(String) get()}, since it<br/>
*  is more efficient.<br/>
* @param keys keys to retrieve
* @param hashCodes if not null, then the Integer array of hashCodes
* @return a hashmap with entries for each key is found by the server,
*      keys that are not found are not entered into the hashmap, but attempting to
*      retrieve them from the hashmap gives you null.
public Map<String,Object> getMulti( String[] keys, Integer[] hashCodes ) {
return getMulti( keys, hashCodes, false );

* Retrieve multiple keys from the memcache.
*  This is recommended over repeated calls to {@link #get(String) get()}, since it<br/>
*  is more efficient.<br/>
* @param keys keys to retrieve
* @param hashCodes if not null, then the Integer array of hashCodes
* @param asString if true then retrieve using String val
* @return a hashmap with entries for each key is found by the server,
*      keys that are not found are not entered into the hashmap, but attempting to
*      retrieve them from the hashmap gives you null.
public Map<String,Object> getMulti( String[] keys, Integer[] hashCodes, boolean asString ) {

if ( keys == null || keys.length == 0 ) {
log.error( "missing keys for getMulti()" );
return null;

Map<String,StringBuilder> cmdMap =
new HashMap<String,StringBuilder>();

for ( int i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i ) {

String key = keys[i];
if ( key == null ) {
log.error( "null key, so skipping" );

Integer hash = null;
if ( hashCodes != null && hashCodes.length > i )
hash = hashCodes[ i ];

String cleanKey = key;
try {
cleanKey = sanitizeKey( key );
catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException e ) {

// if we have an errorHandler, use its hook
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnGet( this, e, key );

log.error( "failed to sanitize your key!", e );

// get SockIO obj from cache key
SockIOPool.SockIO sock = pool.getSock( cleanKey, hash );

if ( sock == null ) {
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnGet( this, new IOException( "no socket to server available" ), key );

// store in map and list if not already
if ( !cmdMap.containsKey( sock.getHost() ) )
cmdMap.put( sock.getHost(), new StringBuilder( "get" ) );

cmdMap.get( sock.getHost() ).append( " " + cleanKey );

// return to pool

if ( log.isInfoEnabled() ) "multi get socket count : " + cmdMap.size() );

// now query memcache
Map<String,Object> ret =
new HashMap<String,Object>( keys.length );

// now use new NIO implementation
(new NIOLoader( this )).doMulti( asString, cmdMap, keys, ret );

// fix the return array in case we had to rewrite any of the keys
for ( String key : keys ) {

String cleanKey = key;
try {
cleanKey = sanitizeKey( key );
catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException e ) {

// if we have an errorHandler, use its hook
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnGet( this, e, key );

log.error( "failed to sanitize your key!", e );

if ( ! key.equals( cleanKey ) && ret.containsKey( cleanKey ) ) {
ret.put( key, ret.get( cleanKey ) );
ret.remove( cleanKey );

// backfill missing keys w/ null value
if ( ! ret.containsKey( key ) )
ret.put( key, null );

if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( "++++ memcache: got back " + ret.size() + " results" );
return ret;

* This method loads the data from cache into a Map.
* Pass a SockIO object which is ready to receive data and a HashMap<br/>
* to store the results.
* @param sock socket waiting to pass back data
* @param hm hashmap to store data into
* @param asString if true, and if we are using NativehHandler, return string val
* @throws IOException if io exception happens while reading from socket
private void loadMulti( LineInputStream input, Map<String,Object> hm, boolean asString ) throws IOException {

while ( true ) {
String line = input.readLine();
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( "++++ line: " + line );

if ( line.startsWith( VALUE ) ) {
String[] info = line.split(" ");
String key    = info[1];
int flag      = Integer.parseInt( info[2] );
int length    = Integer.parseInt( info[3] );

if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug( "++++ key: " + key );
log.debug( "++++ flags: " + flag );
log.debug( "++++ length: " + length );

// read obj into buffer
byte[] buf = new byte[length]; buf );

// ready object
Object o;

// check for compression
if ( (flag & F_COMPRESSED) == F_COMPRESSED ) {
try {
// read the input stream, and write to a byte array output stream since
// we have to read into a byte array, but we don't know how large it
// will need to be, and we don't want to resize it a bunch
GZIPInputStream gzi = new GZIPInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream( buf ) );
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream( buf.length );

int count;
byte[] tmp = new byte[2048];
while ( (count = != -1 ) {
bos.write( tmp, 0, count );

// store uncompressed back to buffer
buf = bos.toByteArray();
catch ( IOException e ) {

// if we have an errorHandler, use its hook
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnGet( this, e, key );

log.error( "++++ IOException thrown while trying to uncompress input stream for key: " + key + " -- " + e.getMessage() );
throw new NestedIOException( "++++ IOException thrown while trying to uncompress input stream for key: " + key, e );

// we can only take out serialized objects
if ( ( flag & F_SERIALIZED ) != F_SERIALIZED ) {
if ( primitiveAsString || asString ) {
// pulling out string value
if ( log.isInfoEnabled() ) "++++ retrieving object and stuffing into a string." );
o = new String( buf, defaultEncoding );
else {
// decoding object
try {
o = NativeHandler.decode( buf, flag );   
catch ( Exception e ) {

// if we have an errorHandler, use its hook
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnGet( this, e, key );

log.error( "++++ Exception thrown while trying to deserialize for key: " + key + " -- " + e.getMessage() );
throw new NestedIOException( e );
else {
// deserialize if the data is serialized
ContextObjectInputStream ois =
new ContextObjectInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream( buf ), classLoader );
try {
o = ois.readObject();
if ( log.isInfoEnabled() ) "++++ deserializing " + o.getClass() );
catch ( InvalidClassException e ) {
/* Errors de-serializing are to be expected in the case of a
* long running server that spans client restarts with updated
* classes.
// if we have an errorHandler, use its hook
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnGet( this, e, key );

o = null;
log.error( "++++ InvalidClassException thrown while trying to deserialize for key: " + key + " -- " + e.getMessage() );
catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) {

// if we have an errorHandler, use its hook
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnGet( this, e, key );

o = null;
log.error( "++++ ClassNotFoundException thrown while trying to deserialize for key: " + key + " -- " + e.getMessage() );

// store the object into the cache
if ( o != null )
hm.put( key, o );
else if ( END.equals( line ) ) {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( "++++ finished reading from cache server" );

private String sanitizeKey( String key ) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
return ( sanitizeKeys ) ? URLEncoder.encode( key, "UTF-8" ) : key;

* Invalidates the entire cache.
* Will return true only if succeeds in clearing all servers.
* @return success true/false
public boolean flushAll() {
return flushAll( null );

* Invalidates the entire cache.
* Will return true only if succeeds in clearing all servers.
* If pass in null, then will try to flush all servers.
* @param servers optional array of host(s) to flush (host:port)
* @return success true/false
public boolean flushAll( String[] servers ) {

// get SockIOPool instance
// return false if unable to get SockIO obj
if ( pool == null ) {
log.error( "++++ unable to get SockIOPool instance" );
return false;

// get all servers and iterate over them
servers = ( servers == null )
? pool.getServers()
: servers;

// if no servers, then return early
if ( servers == null || servers.length <= 0 ) {
log.error( "++++ no servers to flush" );
return false;

boolean success = true;

for ( int i = 0; i < servers.length; i++ ) {

SockIOPool.SockIO sock = pool.getConnection( servers[i] );
if ( sock == null ) {
log.error( "++++ unable to get connection to : " + servers[i] );
success = false;
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnFlush( this, new IOException( "no socket to server available" ) );

// build command
String command = "flush_all\r\n";

try {
sock.write( command.getBytes() );

// if we get appropriate response back, then we return true
String line = sock.readLine();
success = ( OK.equals( line ) )
? success && true
: false;
catch ( IOException e ) {

// if we have an errorHandler, use its hook
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnFlush( this, e );

// exception thrown
log.error( "++++ exception thrown while writing bytes to server on flushAll" );
log.error( e.getMessage(), e );

try {
catch ( IOException ioe ) {
log.error( "++++ failed to close socket : " + sock.toString() );

success = false;
sock = null;

if ( sock != null ) {
sock = null;

return success;

* Retrieves stats for all servers.
* Returns a map keyed on the servername.
* The value is another map which contains stats
* with stat name as key and value as value.
* @return Stats map
public Map stats() {
return stats( null );

* Retrieves stats for passed in servers (or all servers).
* Returns a map keyed on the servername.
* The value is another map which contains stats
* with stat name as key and value as value.
* @param servers string array of servers to retrieve stats from, or all if this is null
* @return Stats map
public Map stats( String[] servers ) {
return stats( servers, "stats\r\n", STATS );

* Retrieves stats items for all servers.
* Returns a map keyed on the servername.
* The value is another map which contains item stats
* with itemname:number:field as key and value as value.
* @return Stats map
public Map statsItems() {
return statsItems( null );

* Retrieves stats for passed in servers (or all servers).
* Returns a map keyed on the servername.
* The value is another map which contains item stats
* with itemname:number:field as key and value as value.
* @param servers string array of servers to retrieve stats from, or all if this is null
* @return Stats map
public Map statsItems( String[] servers ) {
return stats( servers, "stats items\r\n", STATS );

* Retrieves stats items for all servers.
* Returns a map keyed on the servername.
* The value is another map which contains slabs stats
* with slabnumber:field as key and value as value.
* @return Stats map
public Map statsSlabs() {
return statsSlabs( null );

* Retrieves stats for passed in servers (or all servers).
* Returns a map keyed on the servername.
* The value is another map which contains slabs stats
* with slabnumber:field as key and value as value.
* @param servers string array of servers to retrieve stats from, or all if this is null
* @return Stats map
public Map statsSlabs( String[] servers ) {
return stats( servers, "stats slabs\r\n", STATS );

* Retrieves items cachedump for all servers.
* Returns a map keyed on the servername.
* The value is another map which contains cachedump stats
* with the cachekey as key and byte size and unix timestamp as value.
* @param slabNumber the item number of the cache dump
* @return Stats map
public Map statsCacheDump( int slabNumber, int limit ) {
return statsCacheDump( null, slabNumber, limit );

* Retrieves stats for passed in servers (or all servers).
* Returns a map keyed on the servername.
* The value is another map which contains cachedump stats
* with the cachekey as key and byte size and unix timestamp as value.
* @param servers string array of servers to retrieve stats from, or all if this is null
* @param slabNumber the item number of the cache dump
* @return Stats map
public Map statsCacheDump( String[] servers, int slabNumber, int limit ) {
return stats( servers, String.format( "stats cachedump %d %d\r\n", slabNumber, limit ), ITEM );

private Map stats( String[] servers, String command, String lineStart ) {

if ( command == null || command.trim().equals( "" ) ) {
log.error( "++++ invalid / missing command for stats()" );
return null;

// get all servers and iterate over them
servers = (servers == null)
? pool.getServers()
: servers;

// if no servers, then return early
if ( servers == null || servers.length <= 0 ) {
log.error( "++++ no servers to check stats" );
return null;

// array of stats Maps
Map<String,Map> statsMaps =
new HashMap<String,Map>();

for ( int i = 0; i < servers.length; i++ ) {

SockIOPool.SockIO sock = pool.getConnection( servers[i] );
if ( sock == null ) {
log.error( "++++ unable to get connection to : " + servers[i] );
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnStats( this, new IOException( "no socket to server available" ) );

// build command
try {
sock.write( command.getBytes() );

// map to hold key value pairs
Map<String,String> stats = new HashMap<String,String>();

// loop over results
while ( true ) {
String line = sock.readLine();
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( "++++ line: " + line );

if ( line.startsWith( lineStart ) ) {
String[] info = line.split( " ", 3 );
String key    = info[1];
String value  = info[2];

if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug( "++++ key  : " + key );
log.debug( "++++ value: " + value );

stats.put( key, value );
else if ( END.equals( line ) ) {
// finish when we get end from server
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( "++++ finished reading from cache server" );
else if ( line.startsWith( ERROR ) || line.startsWith( CLIENT_ERROR ) || line.startsWith( SERVER_ERROR ) ) {
log.error( "++++ failed to query stats" );
log.error( "++++ server response: " + line );

statsMaps.put( servers[i], stats );
catch ( IOException e ) {

// if we have an errorHandler, use its hook
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnStats( this, e );

// exception thrown
log.error( "++++ exception thrown while writing bytes to server on stats" );
log.error( e.getMessage(), e );

try {
catch ( IOException ioe ) {
log.error( "++++ failed to close socket : " + sock.toString() );

sock = null;

if ( sock != null ) {
sock = null;

return statsMaps;

protected final class NIOLoader {
protected Selector selector;
protected int numConns = 0;
protected MemcachedClient mc;
protected Connection[] conns;

public NIOLoader( MemcachedClient mc ) { = mc;

private final class Connection {

public List<ByteBuffer> incoming = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>();
public ByteBuffer outgoing;
public SockIOPool.SockIO sock;
public SocketChannel channel;
private boolean isDone = false;

public Connection( SockIOPool.SockIO sock, StringBuilder request ) throws IOException {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( "setting up connection to "+sock.getHost() );

this.sock = sock;
outgoing = ByteBuffer.wrap( request.append( "\r\n" ).toString().getBytes() );

channel = sock.getChannel();
if ( channel == null )
throw new IOException( "dead connection to: " + sock.getHost() );

channel.configureBlocking( false );
channel.register( selector, SelectionKey.OP_WRITE, this );

public void close() {
try {
if ( isDone ) {
// turn off non-blocking IO and return to pool
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( "++++ gracefully closing connection to "+sock.getHost() );

channel.configureBlocking( true );
catch ( IOException e ) {
log.warn( "++++ memcache: unexpected error closing normally" );

try {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug("forcefully closing connection to "+sock.getHost());

catch ( IOException ignoreMe ) { }

public boolean isDone() {
// if we know we're done, just say so
if ( isDone )        
return true;

// else find out the hard way
int strPos = B_END.length-1;

int bi = incoming.size() - 1;
while ( bi >= 0 && strPos >= 0 ) {
ByteBuffer buf = incoming.get( bi );
int pos = buf.position()-1;
while ( pos >= 0 && strPos >= 0 ) {
    if ( buf.get( pos-- ) != B_END[strPos--] )
return false;


isDone = strPos < 0;
return isDone;

public ByteBuffer getBuffer() {
int last = incoming.size()-1;
if ( last >= 0 && incoming.get( last ).hasRemaining() ) {
return incoming.get( last );
else {
ByteBuffer newBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate( 8192 );
incoming.add( newBuf );
return newBuf;

public String toString() {
return "Connection to " + sock.getHost() + " with " + incoming.size() + " bufs; done is " + isDone;

public void doMulti( boolean asString, Map<String, StringBuilder> sockKeys, String[] keys, Map<String, Object> ret ) {

long timeRemaining = 0;
try {
selector =;

// get the sockets, flip them to non-blocking, and set up data
// structures
conns = new Connection[sockKeys.keySet().size()];
numConns = 0;
for ( Iterator<String> i = sockKeys.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
// get SockIO obj from hostname
String host =;

SockIOPool.SockIO sock = pool.getConnection( host );

if ( sock == null ) {
if ( errorHandler != null )
errorHandler.handleErrorOnGet(, new IOException( "no socket to server available" ), keys );

conns[numConns++] = new Connection( sock, sockKeys.get( host ) );

// the main select loop; ends when
// 1) we've received data from all the servers, or
// 2) we time out
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

long timeout = pool.getMaxBusy();
timeRemaining = timeout;

while ( numConns > 0 && timeRemaining > 0 ) {
int n = Math.min( timeout,  5000 ) );
if ( n > 0 ) {
    // we've got some activity; handle it
    Iterator<SelectionKey> it = selector.selectedKeys().iterator();
    while ( it.hasNext() ) {
        SelectionKey key =;
        handleKey( key );
else {
    // timeout likely... better check
// TODO:  This seems like a problem area that we need to figure out how to handle.
log.error( "selector timed out waiting for activity" );

timeRemaining = timeout - (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime);
catch ( IOException e ) {
// errors can happen just about anywhere above, from
// connection setup to any of the mechanics
handleError( e, keys );
finally {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( "Disconnecting; numConns=" + numConns + "  timeRemaining=" + timeRemaining );

// run through our conns and either return them to the pool
// or forcibly close them
try {
if ( selector != null )
catch ( IOException ignoreMe ) { }

for ( Connection c : conns ) {
if ( c != null )

// Done!  Build the list of results and return them.  If we get
// here by a timeout, then some of the connections are probably
// not done.  But we'll return what we've got...
for ( Connection c : conns ) {
try {
if ( c.incoming.size() > 0 && c.isDone() )
loadMulti( new ByteBufArrayInputStream( c.incoming ), ret, asString );
catch ( Exception e ) {
// shouldn't happen; we have all the data already
log.warn( "Caught the aforementioned exception on "+c );

private void handleError( Throwable e, String[] keys ) {
    // if we have an errorHandler, use its hook
    if ( errorHandler != null )
        errorHandler.handleErrorOnGet( MemcachedClient.this, e, keys );

    // exception thrown
    log.error( "++++ exception thrown while getting from cache on getMulti" );
    log.error( e.getMessage() );

private void handleKey( SelectionKey key ) throws IOException {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( "handling selector op " + key.readyOps() + " for key " + key );

if ( key.isReadable() )
readResponse( key );
else if ( key.isWritable() )
writeRequest( key );

public void writeRequest( SelectionKey key ) throws IOException {
ByteBuffer buf = ((Connection) key.attachment()).outgoing;
SocketChannel sc = (SocketChannel);

if ( buf.hasRemaining() ) {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
    log.debug( "writing " + buf.remaining() + "B to " + ((SocketChannel) );

sc.write( buf );

if ( !buf.hasRemaining() ) {
    if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
        log.debug( "switching to read mode for server " + ((SocketChannel) );

key.interestOps( SelectionKey.OP_READ );

public void readResponse( SelectionKey key ) throws IOException {
Connection conn = (Connection)key.attachment();
ByteBuffer buf = conn.getBuffer();
int count = buf );
if ( count > 0 ) {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( "read  " + count + " from " + );

if ( conn.isDone() ) {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( "connection done to  " + );

