
cmdbuild开源软件,  是包括: 资产管理,生命周期管理,符合ITIL CMDBuild® (is completely ITIL compliant) ,流程管理,工作流,文档知识管理,报表等功能的系统,包含其他几个相关的开源软件(如文档管理等)

What's CMDBuild?helps answer questions about IT configuration:

Who uses an IT object? Where? What are the objectdetails?
Who is responsible? How does it interact withother IT objects?
What happened in its life-cycle?

refer to "Best Practices", standards, frameworks (ITIL,Cobit, CMM, TOGAF, etc.) and adapt them to your organization,包括事件管理,变更管理,问题管理,知识管理

官方ppt 见附件
