Install WebSphere MQ v6 on Ubuntu

I tried to install everything I need onto my Edgy...
Basically I reference an article on dW about WMQ beginning on Linux. Here I just want to hilight something special on Ubuntu:

  • Install alien beforehand because WMQ is packaged as RPM
  • Add --nodeps to workaround /bin/sh dependency, so install rpms like
        rpm --nodeps -ivh MQSeriesRuntime-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm
  •  IBM JDK seems not necessary... I use SUN Java5, so far it's fine.
After installed WMQ v6.0, I began with 'crtmqm testqm' and got error  "AMQ8101:WebSphere MQ error (893) has occurred".  Searched the error around but cannot resolve it. Finally I applied  WMQ v6.0.2 refersh pack, and then it works!  As a lesson,  remember upgrade your software, especially IBM's product, to the latest version. L3 guys have probably resolved any weird problems occurred to you.
