Netbeans 7.0 安装 Python 插件的方法

Netbeans 7.0 默认的 Available plugins 源里,没有 Python 插件。


可以参考 Netbeans 论坛里的一个解决方法:


Just go to Tools->Plugins, click Settings. Click Add, and add a new "Update Center" , name it like "Python plugin is here", and in the link, paste this:

Then go to Avaliable Plugins, do "Reload Catalog" - you should see stuff under "category" Python. Select the plugin and click install. Netbeans will ask you to restart itself. Then you should see Python under installed plugins (make sure to click "Show Details" there.


但是,不要把那个 link 命名为 “Python plugin is here”,我改成了 “Py plugin is here”。若不改,在搜索 Python 的时候会出现大量的无关项。


不知道为什么代码没法自动补全,太折腾了,啥东西到了 Oricle 手里都变成渣啊。还是继续 Eclipse 吧。

