xml tips

1、One of the most important features introduced by the XML Schema specification is the wide range of support for data types.
This greatly refines the quality of XML data representation, and further underscores its role as an enterprise data transport standard.
XSD schemas also provide support for namespaces.
This enables the schema author to establish logical domains to which some or all parts of a schema can be applied.

2、设置MyEclipse中XML Editor的DTD分析方式
大家用Eclipse插件如XMLBuddy,myeclipse的xml editor写xml文件时在没有联网的情况下有没有碰到这种情况,DTD文件分析失败?
如果DTD文件不能正常解析,那Content Assist功能就无效了. 没有Content Assist功能写XML文件非常不爽,还要去记那些语法,有可能输入时还会不小心输错.

MYECLIPSE中有一个xml catalog,可以添加dtd
