
  • [it_managment] 职场感悟:你养着工作还是工作养着你? - CSDN 新闻 #
  • [run2tech] 'Invalid Buffer Received from Client” error message in SQL Server log when you use SQL Server .NET provider classes #
    Error: 17805, Severity: 20, State: 3 Invalid buffer received from client.
  • [Unix&Linux Platforms] Distributed Caching with Memcached | Linux Journal #
    Distributed Caching with Memcached
  • [Unix&Linux Platforms] PHP & memcached #
    PHP & memcached
  • [Unix&Linux Platforms] [转]使用Memcached进行内存缓存 - heiyeluren的Blog #
  • [.net] How To: Instrument ASP.NET Applications for Security (patterns & practices) #
    SummaryThis How To shows you how to use custom health monitoring events to instrument your ASP.NET application to track security-related events and operations. ASP.NET version 2.0 provides health monitoring that includes instrumentation for many standard security-related and infrastructure events common to all ASP.NET applications. If you want to track additional security-related activity not covered by the standard events, or if you want to report on application-specific events, you need to create and raise custom events. This How To includes three samples that show how to build custom events that you can use to track password change events, user account lockout, and access to sensitive business logic.
  • [.net] Web events in ASP.NET 2.0 #
    Web events in ASP.NET 2.0
  • [run2tech] memcached: a distributed memory object caching system #
    memcached is a high-performance, distributed memory object caching system, generic in nature, but intended for use in speeding up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load.
  • [Securtiy_Unix and Linux] 基于Unix系统Web服务器安全指南/中国安全信息网-www.hacker.cn #
  • [Unix&Linux Platforms] Linux.com - LDP HOWTO-INDEX #
    This document contains an index to the Linux HOWTOs as well as other information about the HOWTO project.
  • [SQLSERVER 2000&2005] Sql Server 2005 技术资源 #
    SQL Server 2005将全面提升企业级应用系统的安全性、可靠性和性能,同时全新的一体化平台将有助于推动企业管理的全面信息化,并能满足各类商业职能应用的复杂业务需求,.Net、XML、Web Service与SQL Server 2005的紧密集成将轻而易举地拓展客户的业务空间,大幅度提升管理开发效率和降低IT成本。这次微软总部的华人工程师将亲自带领您领略这一跨时代产品的强大动力。
  • [Windows Server 2003&Windows Vista] Windows Server 2003 R2 技术资源 #
    SAN 存储管理器SAN 存储管理器管理单元使您可以创建和管理用于分配存储阵列空间的 LUN(逻辑单元)。SAN 存储管理器可在支持虚拟磁盘服务器 (VDS) 的存储区域网络 (SAN) 上使用。同时还可用在光纤通道和 iSCSI 环境中。公用日志文件系统 (CLFS)公用日志文件系统 (CLFS) 是可加载的驱动程序,它可为强大的记录子系统提供内核或用户模式的应用程序。CLFS 是一种独特的 Windows 技术,可用于开发依赖持续写入和读取顺序数据的应用程序和中间件。示例包括复制代理、审核代理、数据库和其他事务资源管理器。?ADAM 循序渐进指南本文档是有关 Active Directory 应用程序模式 (ADAM) 的循序渐进指南。通过本文档,您将能够设置 Active Directory 应用程序模式并使之快速运行起来,以便能够考察它的一些新的和重要的功能。
  • [meeting] IBM独家赞助的“中国杰出数据库工程师评选”正式启动 - CSDN 新闻 #
  • [meeting] SQLSERVER2005专题研讨会 #
    SQL Serve 2005是一千多人用了五年的时间在SQL Serve 2000的基础上开发出来的。它相对于SQL Serve 2000来说有了很大的变化。它将以往的工具大幅度集成,提供了一个集成的开发环境。  本次访谈的主题:  1.针对有经验的开发人员来说,SQL Server2005的新特性为开发人员提供了哪些便利?解决了以往开发过程中的哪些问题?  2.针对SQL Server初学者来说,怎样能够保证学习SQL Server的效率和速度?应该采取一个怎样的学习方法?需要掌握哪些基础知识?  3.自由问答。
  • [[meeting] 2006 微软信息安全峰会 #

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