CCNA 640-553安会认证考试介绍

CCNA 640-553安会认证考试介绍
考试编号: 640-553
相关认证: CCNA 安全认证
时间: 90 分钟 (55-65 问题)

可选择语言: 英语, 日语, 中文, 俄语, 葡萄牙语, 韩语, 法文, 西班牙语


640-553 实施思科IOS网络安全(IINS)考试是与CCNA安全认证相关的考试。它主要测验考生在保护思科路由器、交换机以及相关网络安全方面的知识。将要验证的技能包括:在保持数据和设备的完整性、保密性和可用性的条件下安装、故障排除和监控网络设备,以及使用思科在安全架构中所采用的技术进行开发的能力。准备参加该考试的考生需要学习“实施思科IOS网络安全(IINS)”课程。


1.Which consideration is important when implementing Syslogging in your network?
A.Use SSH to access your Syslog information.
B.Enable the highest level of Syslogging available to ensure you log all possible event messages.
C.Log all messages to the system buffer so that they can be displayed when accessing the router.
D.Syncronize clocks on the network with a protocol such as Network Time Protocol.
Answer: D
2.Which statement is true when you have generated RSA keys on your Cisco router to prepare for secure
device management?
A.You must then zeroize the keys to reset secure shell before configuring other parameters.
B.The SSH protocol is automatically enabled.
C.You must then specify the general-purpose key size used for authentication with the crypto key
generate rsa general-keys modulus command.
D.All vty ports are automatically enabled for SSH to provide secure management.
