Three copies paths

Among the activities of collecting promociny spreading it carried out the Foundation, these awards have been created, delivered yesterday in its first edition in Madrid Caixa Forum. Recognize the work of collectors, gallery owners and artists. In the first category, the galardn went to Juan Vrez Fisa, passionate collector from whom the jury highlights their dedication during much of his life to the recovery of Spanish heritage. On their, darkfall gold , behalf, collected the award his wife, Maria Milagros Benegas, hands of the Duke of Huscaran. It also recognized the work for 40 years of Juana de Aizpuru in its contribution to the development of artistic creation in Spain. Rosina G3mez-Baeza (which replace the address of ARCO), underlines its implicaciny Valenta ycmo, four decades later, continues to discover and support new talent . De Aizpuru welcomes this, mortal gold , recognition of the role of galleries in the creation of collecting in Spain. Wanted to share the prize with his daughters and his colleagues. Many of them were present at the event: Soledad Lorenzo, Guillermo de Osma, Carles Tach, Alberto de Juan ... Finally, the prize went to an artist Isidoro Valcrcel. The fact is no longer valid, he says, we must invent something, do new, wow power leveling , things. I take this award as Thesis but as a first-year scholarship. The three winners received a sculpture donated by Miquel Barcelo.
