Not to be outdone, IBM recently announced the upcoming launch of Sametime 7.5. Sametime, the leading enterprise instant messaging platform, will get an upgrade this fall that mirrors many of AIM's new features.
At the top of the list is integration with Outlook, Office, and SharePoint, but Sametime will also gain the capability to connect to Blackberries and Windows Mobile devices. The client is also truly cross-platform, with versions available for the Mac, Windows, and Linux, and it's well-integrated with Lotus Notes.
And it's certifiably cool—it uses Web 2.0 tech. IBM says that "users will be able to take advantage of plug-ins and Web 2.0 technologies such as mashups to create new applications on the fly. For example, a Lotus Sametime 'mashup' could combine the location and status of team members on a contact list and display it on an online map." Companies also have more control over the technology because they can host their own Sametime server."
Wow, keep rocking, Sametime!
(注: 出于某些不可告人的原因,我对Sametime 7.5有特殊的好感,所以大家还是最好自己亲眼去看看 |-) )