In Harmony with Eclipse

SourceForge上最近出现了一个新项目叫做 In Eclipse With Harmony,提供了Eclipse 3.2.2与Harmony M1的打包下载。有关该项目的目的, 网站上是这样说的:
In Harmony With Eclipse is a demonstration of two great open source projects working together. The package contains the latest stable release version of Eclipse (3.2.2) running on a pre-release version of Apache Harmony (5.0M1). It must be noted that this release is not intended as production-quality software, but is instead a glimpse of the future. While the combination of Eclipse and Harmony does work well, there are limitations. These limitations are being addressed as Eclipse and Harmony development continues. Your feedback to the Eclipse and Harmony Teams is welcomed.

该项目管理员,Eclipse基金会的Wagenknecht Gunner在自己的blog上也宣布了这个 消息

如其所说,Eclipse与Harmony现在已经可以在一起工作的很好,但是依然还是有些问题的。比如说,在使用Harmony的缺省虚拟机DRLVM的时候,我发现装了 Subclipse就不能正常工作,但是换了IBM J9 VM+Harmony类库就好了。我已经报了个 bug上去。有关Harmony M1和切换虚拟机,可以看 这个

我自个已经下载了一个Windows版本的用了几天(eat my own dogfood:)),不过为了subclipse缺省的虚拟机被我换成了J9 VM,跑的飞快:D。

为什么Eclipse Foundation会对Harmony感兴趣?一个可能的原因是,Eclipse已经不仅仅满足于只做一个IDE。从Wagenknecht最近的另外一篇 blog可以看出,甚至不仅仅满足于运行在客户端。
