Use Google Calendar in our site

用 DOM API 解析 Google Calendar 事件摘要

    $confirmed = '';

    $three_months_in_seconds = 60 * 60 * 24 * 28 * 3;
    $three_months_ago = date("Y-m-d\Th:i:sP", time() - $three_months_in_seconds);
    $three_months_from_today = date("Y-m-d\Th:i:sP", time() + $three_months_in_seconds);

    $feed = "" . 
        "public/full?orderby=starttime&singleevents=true&" . 
        "start-min=" . $three_months_ago . "&" .
        "start-max=" . $three_months_from_today;

    $doc = new DOMDocument(); 
    $doc->load( $feed ); 
    $entries = $doc->getElementsByTagName( "entry" ); 

    foreach ( $entries as $entry ) { 

        $status = $entry->getElementsByTagName( "eventStatus" ); 
        $eventStatus = $status->item(0)->getAttributeNode("value")->value;

        if ($eventStatus == $confirmed) {
            $titles = $entry->getElementsByTagName( "title" ); 
            $title = $titles->item(0)->nodeValue;

            $times = $entry->getElementsByTagName( "when" ); 
            $startTime = $times->item(0)->getAttributeNode("startTime")->value;
            $when = date( "l jS \o\f F Y - h:i A", strtotime( $startTime ) );

            $places = $entry->getElementsByTagName( "where" ); 
            $where = $places->item(0)->getAttributeNode("valueString")->value;

            print $title . "\n";   
            print $when . " AST\n"; 
            print $where . "\n"; 
            print "\n"; 

用 SAX API 解析 Google Calendar 事件摘要

    function startElement( $parser, $tagName, $attr )
        global $g_entries, $g_tagName, $g_confirmed, $g_is_confirmed, 
            $g_in_entry, $g_in_originalevent;

        if ( $tagName == 'ENTRY' ) {
            if ($g_is_confirmed || count( $g_entries ) == 0) {
                $g_entries []= array();
            $g_is_confirmed = false;
            $g_in_entry = true;
        else if ($tagName == 'GD:EVENTSTATUS')
            if ($attr['VALUE'] == $g_confirmed) {
                $g_is_confirmed = true;
        else if ($tagName == 'GD:WHEN' && $g_is_confirmed &&   
            $g_in_originalevent == false)
            $startTime = date( "l jS \o\f F Y - h:i A", strtotime($attr['STARTTIME']) );
            $g_entries[ count( $g_entries ) - 1 ]['when'] = $startTime;
        else if ($tagName == 'GD:WHERE' && $g_is_confirmed)
            $g_entries[ count( $g_entries ) - 1 ]['where'] = $attr['VALUESTRING'];
        else if ( $tagName == 'GD:ORIGINALEVENT' ) {
            $g_in_originalevent = true;
        $g_tagName = $tagName;

    function endElement( $parser, $tagName ) 
        global $g_tagName, $g_in_entry, $g_in_originalevent;

        if ( $tagName == 'ENTRY' ) {
            $g_in_entry = false;
        else if ( $tagName == 'GD:ORIGINALEVENT' ) {
            $g_in_originalevent = false;
        $g_tagName = null;

    function textData( $parser, $text )  
        global $g_entries, $g_tagName, $g_in_entry;
        if ($g_tagName == 'TITLE' && $g_in_entry) {
            $g_entries[ count( $g_entries ) - 1 ]['title'] = $text;

用 Zend PHP 类请求和处理 Google Calendar 事件摘要

require_once 'Zend/Loader.php';

$three_months_in_seconds = 60 * 60 * 24 * 28 * 3;
$three_months_ago = date("Y-m-d\Th:i:sP", time() - $three_months_in_seconds);
$three_months_from_today = date("Y-m-d\Th:i:sP", time() + $three_months_in_seconds);

// Create an instance of the Calendar service without authentication,
// for read-only access to a public feed
$service = new Zend_Gdata_Calendar();

$query = $service->newEventQuery();

// Retrieve the event list from the calendar server
try {
    $eventFeed = $service->getCalendarEventFeed($query);
} catch (Zend_Gdata_App_Exception $e) {
    echo "Error: " . $e->getResponse();

// Iterate through the list of events, outputting them as an HTML list
print "<ul>\n";
foreach ($eventFeed as $event) {
    print "<li>" . $event->title . "</li>\n";

	$startTime = $event->when->startTime;
    print "<li>" . date("l jS \o\f F Y - h:i A", strtotime( $startTime ) );

	// Google Calendar API's support of timezones is buggy
    print " AST</li>\n";

    print "<li>" . $event->where->valueString . "</li>\n";


print "</ul>\n";

用 XPath 和 SimpleXML 解析 Google Calendar 事件摘要

    $s = simplexml_load_file($feed); 

    foreach ($s->entry as $item) {
        $gd = $item->children('');

        if ($gd->eventStatus->attributes()->value == $confirmed) {
            <font size=+1><b>
                <?php print $item->title; ?>

            $startTime = '';
            if ( $gd->when ) {
                $startTime = $gd->when->attributes()->startTime;
            } elseif ( $gd->recurrence ) {
                $startTime = $gd->recurrence->when->attributes()->startTime;   

            print date("l jS \o\f F Y - h:i A", strtotime( $startTime ) );
            // Google Calendar API's support of timezones is buggy
            print " AST<br>";
            <?php print $gd->where->attributes()->valueString; ?>

    } ?>
