with status 137

Can not stop Oracle Apps Server,error information:

[oracle@bej301441 scripts]$ apps/apps

You are running version 120.10.12010000.4

The logfile for this session is located at /u01/oracle/mc3yd213/inst/apps/mc3yd213_bej301441/logs/appl/admin/log/adstpall.log
/u01/oracle/mc3yd213/inst/apps/mc3yd213_bej301441/admin/scripts/ line 242: 15124 Done { echo $unpw; }
15125 Killed | /u01/oracle/mc3yd213/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/appsutil/jdk/jre/bin /java -classpath "${CLASSPATH}:${JAVA_TOP}:/u01/oracle/mc3yd213/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/lib/xmlparserv 2.jar" -e /u01/oracle/mc3yd213/inst/apps/mc3yd213_bej3014 41/appl/admin/mc3yd213_bej301441.xml -m $STOP -l $LOGFILE -debug -promptmsg hide $nodbchk with status 137 check the logfile /u01/oracle/mc3yd213/inst/apps/mc3yd213_bej301441/logs/appl/admin/log/adstpall.log for more information ...

[oracle@bej301441 scripts]$


The root reason has not been found out, But I found some article wrote 137 problem could be due to the machine is highly overloaded. You could use uptime command to check linux/unix system load situation.

[oracle@bej301441 scripts]$ uptime
22:42:56 up 120 days, 23:06, 5 users, load average: 4.07, 6.03, 10.85

[oracle@bej301441 scripts]$

The uptime command gives a one line display of the following information.

  • The current time (22:42:56)
  • How long the system has been running (up 120 days,23hours,6mins)
  • How many users are currently logged on (5 user)
  • The system load averages for the past 1, 5, and 15 minutes (4.07, 6.03, 10.85)

After some mins,when CPU load of machine,then re-stop apps server, now it can works successfully.
