Aptana M8a/Eclipse 3.2/Rails plug-in Instructions

Aptana M8a/Eclipse 3.2/Rails plug-in Instructions

To add Rails Support to Eclipse 3.2:

Please note that this is the RadRails 0.8/RDT 0.9 version, so your version of Aptana must be on Eclipse 3.2, and SUN JVM 1.5 or later is required. This version also pre-includes RDT, so you do not need to use a separate update site for RDT.

  1. From the Help menu, select Find and Install... to open the Install/Update wizard.
  2. On the Install/Update window, choose the Search for new features to install option.
  3. Add the two RadRails remote sites to Aptana.
    1. Click the New Remote Site... button to open a New Update Site pop-up window.
    2. In the New Update Site pop-up window, type "Rails Support" in the Name field, and copy and paste the URL "http://update.aptana.com/install/rails/3.2/" into the URL field.
    3. Click OK.
  4. Choose the Rails plugin(s) that you will be installing.
    1. On the Update sites to visit screen, check the boxes next to the Rails feature.
    2. Click the Finish button.

      Aptana displays a Search Results screen for the plugin that you selected.

  5. Install the plugin
    1. On the Search Results screen, check the boxes next to the Rails feature that you are installing and check the Show the latest version of a feature only box.
    2. Click the Next button to go to the Feature License screen.
    3. On the Feature License screen, choose the option for I accept the terms of the license agreement.
    4. Click the Next button to go to the Installation screen.
    5. Click the Finish button.

      After a few seconds, a Verification pop-up window opens.

    6. On the Verification pop-up window, click the Install All button.

      Aptana installs the plugin and prompts you to restart your workbench.

  6. On the prompt to restart your workbench prompt, click the Yes button to restart your workbench. If you click the No button, your changes will not take effect until you restart.

Aptana completes the update installation process. After installing the updates, Aptana will automatically close and re-start. You should now be able to use RadRails as a plugin for Aptana.
