
open terminal, and run mkdir -p ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/FontAndColorThemes

and download theme file which has the extension .dvtcolortheme.

Move those files to the above folder.

Then just restart your xcode4, you should see it under Preferences -> Fonts & Colors.

Here are the themes files you could use:

  1. Blackboard ported from TextMate to Xcode 4 by @CocoaSamurai
  2. EGO and EGOv2 by Enormego.
  3. Stevenf's dark theme.
  4. Spacedust by Michael Hallendal.
  5. Twilight ported from TextMate to Xcode 3/4 by @slant.
  6. Morrowind ported from TextMate to Xcode 3/4 by Nate Stedman.

In addition, here is a python script and a ruby version to convert themes from Xcode 3 to Xcode 4 by mrevilme(Instructions).


在~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/创建KeyBindings目录, 把下面附件该目录解压,重启xcode,按contrl+,快捷键,在key bindings 下command sets 选择,并修改



xCode3主题目录: ~/Library/Application Support/Xcode/Color Themes

