Android Studio 更新问题

最近开始使用Android Studio做Android开发,但是从Android开发论坛下载的Android Studio一直都是0.2.0版本的,,因为在国内,每次点击【Check For Update】,都被我们伟大的 G~F~W给生生得阻断。


<product name="Android Studio">
<channel id="AI-0-eap" name="Android Studio updates" status="eap" url="" feedback="" majorVersion="0">
<build number="132.883541" version="0.3.1">
<html> A new Android Studio 0.3.1 is available in the canary channel.<p/> Canary builds are the bleeding edge, released about weekly. While these builds do get tested,<br/> they are still subject to bugs, as we want people to see what's new as soon as possible.<br/> <p/> For slightly more predictable builds, use <b>Settings | Updates</b> and select the <b>Dev Channel</b>. </html>
<button name="Download" url="" download="true"/>
<button name="Release Notes" url=""/>
<patch from="130.737825" size="34"/>
<patch from="130.777423" size="22"/>
<patch from="130.782403" size="22"/>
<patch from="130.795381" size="19"/>
<patch from="132.809981" size="19"/>
<patch from="132.821530" size="18"/>
<patch from="132.830170" size="15"/>
<patch from="132.843336" size="8"/>
<patch from="132.855830" size="7" exclusions="mac"/>
<patch from="132.858136" size="7" exclusions="mac"/>
<patch from="132.863010" size="7"/>
<patch from="132.878379" size="1"/>
<channel id="AI-0-dev-channel" name="Android Studio updates" status="milestone" url="" feedback="" majorVersion="0">
<build number="132.883541" version="0.3.1">
<html> A new Android Studio 0.3.1 is available in the dev channel.<p/> Dev channel builds are hand-picked older canary builds that survived the test of time. </html>
<button name="Download" url="" download="true"/>
<button name="Release Notes" url=""/>
<patch from="130.737825" size="34"/>
<patch from="130.777423" size="22"/>
<patch from="130.782403" size="22"/>
<patch from="130.795381" size="19"/>
<patch from="132.809981" size="19"/>
<patch from="132.821530" size="18"/>
<patch from="132.830170" size="15"/>
<patch from="132.843336" size="8"/>
<patch from="132.855830" size="7" exclusions="mac"/>
<patch from="132.858136" size="7" exclusions="mac"/>
<patch from="132.863010" size="7"/>
<patch from="132.878379" size="1"/>


把“AI-130.687321”替换为当前的版本号,把“130.729444”替换成要升级的版本号,下载好对应的jar文件升级包,然后放在/Applications/Android 目录下,在终端执行:
java -classpath AI-132.893413-133.970939-patch-mac.jar com.intellij.updater.Runner instaill . 
