10g RAC: Steps To Increase CSS Misscoun,t Reboottime and Disktimeout

The purpose of this note is to document the steps needed to modify the CSS misscount, reboottime and disktimeout settings. Please review Note 294430.1 to understand the implications before editing these settings.

Steps To Modify The CSS Miscount


1) Shut down CRS on all but one node. For exact steps use Note 309542.1

2) Execute crsctl as root to modify the misscount:

$ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/crsctl set css misscount <n>

where <n> is the maximum i/o latency to the voting disk +1 second

3) Reboot the node where adjustment was made

4) Start all other nodes shutdown in step 1

With the Patch:4896338 for there are two additional settings that can be tuned. This change is incorporated into the and patchsets.

These following are only relevant on with Patch:4896338In addition to MissCount, CSS now has two more parameters:

1) reboottime (default 3 seconds) - the amount of time allowed for a node

to complete a reboot after the CSS daemon has been evicted. (I.E. how

long does it take for the machine to completely shutdown when you do a


2) disktimeout (default 200 seconds) - the maximum amount of time allowed

for a voting file I/O to complete; if this time is exceeded the voting

disk will be marked as offline. Note that this is also the amount of

time that will be required for initial cluster formation, i.e. when no

nodes have previously been up and in a cluster.

$CRS_HOME/bin/crsctl set css reboottime <r> [-force] (<r> is seconds)

$CRS_HOME/bin/crsctl set css disktimeout <d> [-force] (<d> is seco

Confirm the new css misscount setting via ocrdump

CSS Timeout Computation in 10g RAC (10gR1 and 10gR2)


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