Underscore-java by javadev

Underscore-java by javadev

Underscore-java is a java port of the popular Underscore.js library. In addition to porting Underscore's functionality, Underscore-java includes matching unit tests. Underscore-java requires java 1.6 or greater.

Underscore-java is hosted on GitHub and open sourced under the MIT license.


You can download this project in either zip or tar formats.

Table of Contents

Object-Oriented and Static Styles






bindbindAll memoizedelaydeferthrottledebounceonceafterwrapcompose







Some functions were not ported from Underscore.js to Underscore-java for technical reasons or because they weren't applicable to java.

Collections (Arrays or Objects)

each _.each(collection, iterator)

Iterates over the collection and yield each in turn to the iterator function. Arguments passed to iterator are (value, key, collection).

_.each(asList(1, 2, 3), new Block<Integer>() {
    public void apply(Integer item) {
        System.out.println(item + ",");
// 1,2,3,

int multiplier = 2;
int index = 0;
_.each(asList(1, 2, 3), new Block<Integer>() {
    public void apply(Integer item) {
        System.out.println(index + "=" + (item * multiplier) + ",");
        index += 1;
// 0=2,1=4,2=6,

map _.map(collection, iterator)Alias: collect

Returns an array of values by mapping each in collection through the iterator. Arguments passed to iterator are (value, key, collection).

_.map(asList(1, 2, 3), new Function1<Integer, Integer>() {
            public Integer apply(Integer item) {
                return item * 3;
// [3, 6, 9]

_.map(new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>() {{ put(1, "one"); put(2, "two"); put(3, "three"); }}
    new Function1<Map.Entry<Integer, String>, Integer>() {
    public Integer apply(Map.Entry<Integer, String> item) {
        return item.getKey() * 3;
// [3, 6, 9]

reduce _.reduce(collection, memo)Aliases: inject, foldl

Reduce the collection into a single value. Memo is the initial state of the reduction, updated by the return value of the iterator.

_.reduce(asList(1, 2, 3),
    new FunctionAccum<Integer, Integer>() {
    public Integer apply(Integer item1, Integer item2) {
        return item1 + item2;
// 6

reduceRight _.reduceRight(collection, memo, iterator)Alias: foldr

Right-associative version of reduce.

_.reduceRight(asList(asList(0, 1), asList(2, 3), asList(4, 5)),
    new FunctionAccum<List<Integer>, List<Integer>>() {
    public List<Integer> apply(List<Integer> item1, List<Integer> item2) {
        List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(item1);
        return list;
// [4, 5, 2, 3, 0, 1]

find _.find(collection, iterator)Alias: detect

Return the value of the first item in the collection that passes the truth test (iterator).

_.find(asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), 
    new Predicate<Integer>() {
    public Boolean apply(Integer item) {
        return item % 2 == 0;
// 2

filter _.filter(collection, iterator)Alias: select

Return the values in the collection that pass the truth test (iterator).

_.filter(asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), 
    new Predicate<Integer>() {
    public Boolean apply(Integer item) {
        return item % 2 == 0;
// [2, 4, 6]

reject _.reject(collection, iterator)

Return an array where the items failing the truth test (iterator) are removed.

_.reject(asList(1, 2, 3, 4), 
    new Predicate<Integer>() {
    public Boolean apply(Integer item) {
        return item % 2 == 0;
// [1, 3]

all _.all(collection, iterator)

Returns true if all values in the collection pass the truth test (iterator).

_.all(asList(1, 2, 3, 4), 
    new Predicate<Integer>() {
        public Boolean apply(Integer item) {
            return item % 2 == 0;
// false
_.all(asList(1, 2, 3, 4), 
    new Predicate<Integer>() {
        public Boolean apply(Integer item) {
            return item < 5;
// true

any _.any(collection, iterator)

Returns true if any values in the collection pass the truth test (iterator).

_.any(asList(1, 2, 3, 4), 
    new Predicate<Integer>() {
        public Boolean apply(Integer item) {
            return item % 2 == 0;
// true
_.any(asList(1, 2, 3, 4), 
    new Predicate<Integer>() {
        public Boolean apply(Integer item) {
            return item == 5;
// false

include _.include(collection, value)Alias: contains

Returns true if value is found in the collection using == to test equality.

_.include(asList(1, 2, 3), 3); // true

invoke _.invoke(collection, functionName)

Returns a copy of the collection after running functionName across all elements.

_.invoke(asList(" foo", " bar "), "trim"); // ["foo", "bar"]

pluck _.pluck(collection, propertyName)

Extract an array of property values

class Person {
    public final String name;
    public final Integer age;
    public Person(final String name, final Integer age) {
        this.name = name;
        this.age = age;
_.pluck(asList(new Person("moe", 40), new Person("larry", 50), new Person("curly", 40)), "name");
// ["moe", "larry", "curly"]

max _.max(collection, [iterator])

Returns the maximum value from the collection. If passed an iterator, max will return max value returned by the iterator.

_.max(asList(10, 5, 100, 2, 1000)); // 100

min _.min(collection, [iterator])

Returns the minimum value from the collection. If passed an iterator, min will return min value returned by the iterator.

_.min(asList(10, 5, 100, 2, 1000)); // 2
