Express Yourself 1. 如何表达你自己

(Express Yourself By Edith N. Wagner)

INFORMATIONAL WRITING is the process of selecting, combining, arranging, and developing ideas taken from oral, written, or electronically produced texts to demonstrate that you understand and are able to use this information for a
variety of rhetorical purposes.
INFORMATIONAL WRITING 是一个从口头、笔记、电子文本中选择、组合、组织、发展你的想法 
It is important that you understand what is expected before ....
Oral texts include:
➡ speeches
➡ video presentations
Written texts include:
➡ textbooks
➡ magazines and newspapers
➡ encyclopedias
➡ science journals
➡ non-fiction books
Electronically produced texts include:
➡ electronic databases
➡ online materials
Rhetorical texts include:
➡ essays
➡ summaries
➡ research reports
➡ term papers
➡ feature articles
➡ laboratory observation reports
➡ instruction manuals
➡ response to on-demand test questions
