informatica SORT_40406 错误解决方案


把informatica资料库由windows 2003恢复到AIX上,只要MAPPING中有SORTER组件就会有如下错误:
: INFO : TM_6151 : Session Sort Order: [Binary]
: INFO : TM_6156 : Using LOW precision decimal arithmetic
: INFO : TM_6180 : Deadlock retry logic will not be implemented.
: INFO : TM_6307 : DTM Error Log Disabled.
: INFO : TE_7022 : TShmWriter: Initialized
: INFO : DBG_21693 : SRT_BY_ID_DATE: Cache size for partition [1] = [390451568]
: INFO : SORT_40419 : For Transformation [SRT_BY_ID_DATE], memory used is [390451568] bytes and row size is 92 bytes.
: ERROR : SORT_40406 : In transformation [SRT_BY_ID_DATE], an error has occurred [There are only 64 megabytes of process rss space available. Either increase the swap space or decrease the Cache Size in the Transformation [SRT_BY_ID_DATE].]
: ERROR : SORT_40406 : In transformation [SRT_BY_ID_DATE], an error has occurred [Internal sort error [-183] [[2][-1]]]
: ERROR : SORT_40402 : A fatal Sort error has occurred in function [sort_get_plan_info].
: ERROR : TE_7017 : Failed to Initialize Server Transformation SRT_BY_ID_DATE
: ERROR : TM_6006 : Error initializing DTM for session [s_m_Sl_Ts_CompanyPdtDay].
: INFO : TM_6018 : Session [s_m_Sl_Ts_CompanyPdtDay] run completed with [0] row transformation errors.
: INFO : PETL_24002 : Parallel Pipeline Engine finished.
: INFO : PETL_24013 : Session run completed with failure.

把Sorter Cache Size改成50000 然后再次运行SESSION 就成功了,可是这样改是不是过于复杂了

在unixbox下, 用命令ulimit -a

RSS: “Resident Set Size”, 实际驻留”在内存中”的内存数. 不包括已经交换出去的代码. 举一个例子: 如果你有一个程序使用了100K内存, 操作系统交换出40K内存, 那么RSS为60K. RSS还包括了与其它进程共享的内存区域.

ulimit -s -d xxxxxxxx

手动设置一个大小 ulimit -s -d xxxxxx

查查 ulimit -a -H,查你的hard limit大小

原来是an error has occurred [There are only 64 megabytes of process rss space available这个问题
