Asterisk 操作mysql数据库的应用

It is necessary in many application with the dialplan that we need to qurey from the database and pass the result to the aserisk dialplan command.Previously we had to use to use AGI (Asterisk Gateway Interface) for accomplish this task.This is we need some programming part to be done.Non programmers don’t worry now an application called MYSQL() is avilable with asterisk 1.4 and above.We can use this application as normal asterisk application and can give the MSQL qurey inside it. For this to work we have to install asterisk-addon first.

syntax :

MYSQL(Connect connid dhhost dbuser dbpass dbname)

Connects to a database. Arguments contain standard MySQL parameters passed to function mysql_real_connect. Connection identifer returned in ${connid}. If the connection wasn’t possible, then ${connid} == “”.

MYSQL(Query resultid ${connid} query-string)

Executes standard MySQL query contained in query-string using established connection identified by ${connid}. Result of query is stored in ${resultid}.

MYSQL(Fetch fetchid ${resultid} var1\ var2\ …\ varN)

If any rows are available to select, ${fetchid} is set to 1 and a single row is fetched from a result set contained in ${resultid}. The return fields are assigned to ${var1}, ${var2} … ${varN} respectively. If no rows are left to select, ${fetchid} is set to 0 and ${var1}, ${var2} … ${varN} remain unchanged.

MYSQL(Clear ${resultid})

Frees memory and data structures associated with result set.

MYSQL(Disconnect ${connid})

Disconnects from named connection to MySQL.


[mysqlcal] exten => 555,1,Answer exten => 555,n,MYSQL(Connect connid localhost bipin bipin voice_alerts) exten => 555,n,NoOp(${cnum}) exten => 555,n,NoOp(${jid}) exten => 555,n,MYSQL(Query resultid ${connid} INSERT INTO `callerinfo` (`number`) VALUES ('${CALLERID(num)}')) exten => 555,n,MYSQL(Query resultid ${connid} UPDATE `callerinfo` SET `status` = \'ANSWERED\' WHERE `job`=${jid} AND `number`=${cnum})
