Chrysler Forecasts Profit -- In 2012

据提交给纽约破产法庭的文件显示,克莱斯勒(Chrysler LLC)去年亏损近170亿美元,不过如果该公司能迅速退出破产程序,与菲亚特(Fiat SpA)结盟,它预计自己能在2012年前恢复盈利。上述预测被包括在克莱斯勒的重组顾问提交的宣誓书中,是说服法庭允许快速推进破产程序的努力的一部分。克莱斯勒希望在7月1日之前推出破产诉讼程序。Getty Images坐落在密歇根州奥本山的克莱斯勒总部不过该公司能否很快退出破产程序的可能仍是个未知数。周一,一批有担保的放贷机构提起一项动议,以阻止向菲亚特出售克莱斯勒的资产,他们称美国政府牵头的克莱斯勒重组工作违反了联邦法。这些机构中包括持有克莱斯勒69亿美元有担保债务中一小部分的投资基金。他们称,计划中的资产出售是在没有其他潜在买家竞购的情况下达成的,是由美国财政部“策划”的,是政府向克莱斯勒施加了“极其巨大的压力”强加给它的。曼哈顿的美国破产法庭法官亚瑟•冈萨雷斯(Arthur Gonzalez)将克莱斯勒资产出售的听证会延期至周二。克莱斯勒46个有担保的放贷机构中约有一半已经与财政部达成协议,免除大部分有担保债务。其中包括摩根大通(J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.)和花旗集团(Citigroup Inc.)这些从财政部问题资产救助计划(TARP)中获得了数百亿美元救助资金的的大银行。反对出售克莱斯勒资产的放贷机构包括大约20只未获得问题资产救助资金的投资基金,如Oppenheimer Funds运营的两只基金和Stairway Capital Management运营的一只对冲基金。Perella Weinberg Partners LP最初表示反对,不过后来改变了主意。法庭尚未决定是否必须披露持反对意见的放贷机构的身份。没有收到问题资产救助资金的放贷机构的代理律师托马斯•劳里亚(Thomas Lauria)向法庭表示,他的一些当事人因为在克莱斯勒重组问题上的立场而收到了死亡威胁。在要求债务人偿还全部或大部分债务方面,有担保的放贷机构在破产案中有着强大的法律支持。劳里亚向法庭表示,我们不应该被强迫完成破产程序,作出比我们自愿作出的更多的努力。诉讼程序还揭露了克莱斯勒财务困境的严重程度。据提交给法庭的文件显示,该公司2008年亏损168亿美元,预计今年将亏损47亿美元。克莱斯勒发言人说,2008年的亏损额是最新数据。在此前提交给财政部的重组计划中,克莱斯勒及其多数股股东Cerberus Capital Management LP估计克莱斯勒2008年的净亏损为80亿美元。克莱斯勒提交给法庭的利润声明显示,该公司预计2012年的收益约为1亿美元,2013年为16亿美元。克莱斯勒预计2016年前净利润将攀升至30亿美元。声明被附在Capstone Advisory Group LLC执行董事罗伯特•曼佐(Robert Manzo)提交的宣誓书后面。这是一家为陷入困境的企业提供服务的咨询公司。Capstone去年11月开始为克莱斯勒提供咨询,帮助其为上周的申请破产保护作准备。在经济衰退和一系列的负面舆论中,克莱斯勒的销售骤降。该公司预计今年收入将下滑至349亿美元,只有2007年水平的一半多一点。克莱斯勒预计2012年前收入会恢复到630亿美元。预计业务的好转一部分来自克莱斯勒希望引入美国的六款菲亚特汽车,包括菲亚特500小型车,一款名为Jeep Panda的紧凑型车和一款小型轿车Fiat Evo。NEAL E. BOUDETTE相关阅读美国汽车销售情况仍愁云笼罩 2009-05-04美国财政部将向克莱斯勒提供近8亿美元资金 2009-05-02克莱斯勒提交破产保护申请 2009-05-01 本文涉及股票或公司document.write (truthmeter('2009年05月05日10:41', 'C.XX'));Chrysler Llc总部地点:美国document.write (truthmeter('2009年05月05日10:41', 'F.MI'));菲亚特公司英文名称:Fiat S.p.A.总部地点:意大利(Italy)上市地点:米兰股票代码:FIAdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年05月05日10:41', 'FIATY'));Fiat S.p.a. (ads)总部地点:意大利(Italy)上市地点:美国场外交易粉单市场(Pink Sheet)股票代码:FIATY

Chrysler LLC lost nearly $17 billion last year but predicts it can return to profitability by 2012 if it can exit bankruptcy quickly and form an alliance with Fiat SpA, according to documents submitted to a New York bankruptcy court.The forecasts were included in an affidavit from the auto maker's turnaround advisor as part of a bid to convince the court to allow an expedited bankruptcy proceeding. Chrysler hopes to be done with the process by July 1.The chances of a quick exit remain unclear, however. On Monday, a group of secured lenders filed a motion to block the sale of Chrysler assets to Fiat, claiming the U.S. government-led restructuring of Chrysler violates federal law.The group, which includes investment funds holding a small portion of Chrysler's $6.9 billion in secured debt, claimed the planned sale was reached without bidding by other potential buyers and was 'orchestrated' by the U.S. Treasury Department and 'foisted upon' Chrysler under 'extreme pressure' by the government.Judge Arthur Gonzalez of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Manhattan adjourned the hearing on Chrysler's asset sale until Tuesday. About half of Chrysler's 46 secured lenders have come to an agreement with the Treasury to forgive most of the secured debt.Some of those include large banks such as J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. and Citigroup Inc. that have received tens of billions of dollars in bailout money from the Treasury's Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP.The lenders objecting to the sale of Chrysler assets include about 20 investment funds that haven't received TARP money. They include two funds run by Oppenheimer Funds and a hedge fund run by Stairway Capital Management. Perella Weinberg Partners LP was originally against the deal but has since changed its mind.The court has yet to decide whether the identities of the dissident lenders must be revealed. Thomas Lauria, an attorney representing the 'non-TARP' lenders, told the court some of his clients have received death threats over their position on the Chrysler restructuring.Secured lenders have strong legal grounds in bankruptcy cases for demanding repayment of all or most of the money owed to them. 'We shouldn't be coerced through this process to contribute more to that effort than we're willing to do voluntarily,' Mr. Lauria told the court.The proceedings also revealed the extent of Chrysler's financial troubles. The company lost $16.8 billion in 2008 and expects to lose $4.7 billion this year, according to documents submitted to the court.A Chrysler spokeswoman said the loss for 2008 is an updated figure. In a previous turnaround plan submitted to the Treasury, Chrysler and its majority owner, Cerberus Capital Management LP, estimated the auto maker's 2008 net loss was $8 billion.An income statement submitted by the auto maker to the court shows the company's forecast for earning about $100 million in 2012 and $1.6 billion in 2013. It sees its net income climbing to $3 billion by 2016.The statement was attached to an affidavit filed by Robert Manzo, executive director of the Capstone Advisory Group LLC, a consulting firm that works with distressed companies.Capstone started working with Chrysler in November, and helped prepare the company for its bankruptcy filing last week.Chrysler, whose sales have plummeted amid the recession and a swirl of negative publicity, expects revenue this year to fall to $34.9 billion -- just over half of its level in 2007. It sees revenue recovering to $63 billion by 2012.Part of the improvement is supposed to come from six Fiat vehicles Chrysler hopes to introduce into the U.S. They include the Fiat 500 small car; a compact vehicle to be called the Jeep Panda; and the Fiat Evo, a small sedan.NEAL E. BOUDETTE
