


Xynth Windowing System
Whatis? Xynth is a portable embedded windowing system, client/server interface between display hardware (mouse, keyboard, video displays) and the desktop environment that works on many hardware, including embedded devices (handhelds, set-top boxes, etc.).
  • TCP/IP (allows client/server connection on different hosts)
  • UDS (Unix Domain Sockets)
  • pipe() based socket api implementation. usefull for embedded devices. (there is no dependency for TCP/IP stack, if clients and server linked in singled app.)
  • Memory based pipe(), read(), send(), poll() implementation. xynth is able to work even there is no file descriptor on system.
  • mutex and condition variables implementation using semaphores.
  • DMA (Direct Memory Access). allows clients to draw directly on graphics buffer.
  • Buffer streaming (allows client/server connection on different hosts)
  • Move, 8-way resize
  • Optional theme plugin support. (theme_*.so)
    .xpm to .so tool.
  • Anti-aliased fonts with Freetype Library.
  • Anti-alias enabled low-level graphics library.
    (rgbcolor, colorrgb, setpixel, getpixel, hline , vline, fillbox, putbox, putboxmask, getbox, putboxpart, putboxpartmask, copybox, scalebox, getsurface, setsurfacevirtual, setsurface)
  • Anti-alias enabled overlay drawing ability.
    (rgbcolor_o, colorrgb_o, setpixel_o, getpixel_o, hline_o, vline_o, fillbox_o, putbox_o, putboxmask_o, getbox_o, putboxpart_o, putboxpartmask_o, copybox_o, getsurface_o, setsurfacevirtual_o, setsurface_o)
  • Basic image library.
    (xpm, png, gif)
  • Basic widget library.
    (object, frame, button, checkbox, textbox, scrollbuffer, listbox, controllistbox, pushbutton, etc.)
  • Low Memory & CPU Usage;
    In 1024x768x32bits mode with 253 clients open mem. usage is ~2,5M
  • Static linked binary : ~125K
  • Ported Applications;
    Mplayer v1.0pre8 (http://www.mplayerhq.hu)
    links v2.1pre23 (http://links.twibright.com)
    Kaffe v1.1.7 (http://www.kaffe.org)
  • Ported Libraries;
    GTK v2.4.14 (http://www.gtk.org)
    SDL v1.2.10 (http://www.sdl.org)
  • Supported Platforms;
    Linux FBDev (http://www.kernel.org)
    SVGALib (http://www.svgalib.org)
    SDLLibrary (http://www.libsdl.org)
    VESA BIOS (http://www.sf.net/projects/lrmi)
    PS2SDK (http://www.ps2dev.org)
    PSPSDK (http://www.pspdev.org)
    GDI (http://mingw.org, http://msdn.microsoft.com)
    GP2X (http://wiki.gp2x.org)

