


The key principle for maximizing usability is to employ iterative design, which progressively refines the design through evaluation from the early stages of design. The evaluation steps enable the designers and developers to incorporate user and client feedback until the system reaches an acceptable level of usability.



Usability plays a role in each stage of the design process. The resulting need for multiple studies is one reason to make individual studies fast and cheap, and to perform usability testing early in the design process. Here are the main steps:

    * Before starting the new design, test the old design to identify the good parts that you should keep or emphasize, and the bad parts that give users trouble.
    * Test competitors' designs to get data on a range of alternative designs.
    * Conduct a field study to see how users behave in their natural habitat.
    * Make paper prototypes of one or more new design ideas and test them. The less time you invest in these design ideas the better, because you'll need to change them all based on the test results.
    * Refine the design ideas that test best through multiple iterations, gradually moving from low-fidelity prototyping to high-fidelity representations that run on the computer. Test each iteration.
    * Inspect the design relative to established usability guidelines, whether from your own earlier studies or published research.
    * Once you decide on and implement the final design, test it again. Subtle usability problems always creep in during implementation.

Don't defer user testing until you have a fully implemented design. If you do, it will be impossible to fix the vast majority of the critical usability problems that the test uncovers. Many of these problems are likely to be structural, and fixing them would require major rearchitecting. The only way to a high-quality user experience is to start user testing early in the design process and to keep testing every step of the way.



1. 在开始设计的时候,先了解用户当前的状况,或者原有系统的状况。哪些是用户期望达到的,非常看重的特性和功能。哪些是使用户饱受痛苦的特点。那么你就得在这些部分下功夫了。
2. 研究和学习用户的使用习惯,是喜欢选择还是喜欢输入。习惯鼠标划过显示tips 还是喜欢单击鼠标再弹出。
3. 做出来以后,即时让用户review,和用户一起brain storming。寻找更为优越的方案。

感知心理学(cognitive psychology)的一些基本原则是交互性设计的基本依据。
Many of these are laid out in Donald Norman's influential book The Design of Everyday Things. Academic research in Human Computer Interaction (HCI) includes methods for describing and testing the usability of interacting with an interface, such as cognitive dimensions and the cognitive walkthrough.
