HP-UX Strong Random Number Generator与 /dev/random相关

Product details & specifications
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Installation of the Strong Random Number Generator will cause the kernel to rebuild and system to reboot. Following reboot, the /dev/random and /dev/urandom special files will be present and no further administrative actions are required.
1) Login as root.

2) Follow the instructions to download the KRNG11i product bundle into the /tmp directory.

3) Verify that the source depot file has downloaded correctly using swlist. Note that swlist and swinstall require you to specify the full path name to the location of the source depot file:

swlist -d @ /tmp/KRNG11i_*.depot

4) Use swinstall to install the KRNG11i bundle from the source depot file. Note that because KRNG11i pulls in a set of kernel components, the autoreboot flag must be specified:

swinstall -x autoreboot=true -s /tmp/KRNG11i_*.depot KRNG11i

The system will reboot after installation.

5) Verify that the KRNG11i bundle was installed:

swlist | grep KRNG11i

This message should appear:
KRNG11i B.11.11.09 HP-UX 11.11 Strong Random Number Generator

When you install the KRNG11i bundle, the following items are included:
  • Enablement updates to the HP-UX 11i kernel.
  • A dynamically loadable kernel module, rng, that collects random data.
  • The /usr/include/sys/random.h header file.
  • The random(7) manual page.
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    Strong Random Number Generator contains kernel products. Removing them will cause a system reboot after removal is complete.
    1) Login as root.

    2) Run swremove to remove the produt.

    swremove -x autoreboot=true RandomNumGen RandomNumGenDyn

    This removes the core functionality of the feature, but leaves the bundle wrapper and patches on your system. Removal of the patches that were included with the feature bundle is not recommended. Therefore, we advise you NOT to remove the patches from your system.
