vi (aka vim) tutorial, tips, tricks and useful commands
Where grep came from (RE being Regular Expression):
: g /RE/ p
Delete lines 10 to 20 inclusive:
: 10 , 20 d
or with marks a and b:
: 'a , 'b d
Delete lines that contain pattern:
: g /pattern/ d
Delete all empty lines:
: g /^$/ d
Delete lines in range that contain pattern:
: 20 , 30 /pattern/ d
or with marks a and b:
: 'a , 'b /pattern/ d
Substitute all lines for first occurance of pattern:
: % s / pattern / new /
: 1 , $ s / pattern / new /
Substitute all lines for pattern globally (more than once on the line):
: % s / pattern / new / g
: 1 , $ s / pattern / new / g
Find all lines containing pattern and then append -new to the end of each line:
:%s / \( .*pattern.* \)/\1 -new /g
Substitute range:
: 20 , 30 s/pattern/ new / g
with marks a and b:
: 'a , 'b s/pattern/ new / g
Swap two patterns on a line:
:s / \( pattern1 \)\( pattern2 \) / \2\1 /
Capitalize the first lowercase character on a line:
:s / \( [a-z] \) / \u \1 /
more concisely:
:s / [a-z] / \u& /
Capitalize all lowercase characters on a line:
:s / \( [a-z] \) / \u \1 / g
more concisely:
:s / [a-z] / \u& / g
Capitalize all characters on a line:
:s / \( .* \) / \U \1 \E /
Capitalize the first character of all words on a line:
:s / \<[a-z] / \u& / g
Uncapitalize the first character of all words on a line:
:s / \<[A-Z] / \l& / g
Change case of character under cursor:
Change case of all characters on line:
g ~~
Change case of remaining word from cursor:
g ~ w
Increment the number under the cursor:
< Ctrl - A >
Decrement the number under the cursor:
< Ctrl - X >
< Ctrl - L >
Turn on line numbering:
: set nu
Turn it off:
: set nonu
Number lines (filter the file through a unix command and replace with output):
:%!cat - n
Sort lines:
Sort and uniq:
:%!sort - u
Read output of command into buffer:
: r ! ls - l
Refresh file from version on disk:
: e !
Open a new window:
< Ctrl - W > n
Open a new window with the same file (split):
< Ctrl - W > s
Split window vertically:
< Ctrl - W > v
Close current window:
< Ctrl - W > c
: q
Make current window the only window:
< Ctrl - W > o
Cycle to next window:
< Ctrl - W > w
Move to window below current window:
< Ctrl - W > j
Move to window above current window:
< Ctrl - W > k
Move to window left of current window:
< Ctrl - W > h
Move to window right of current window:
< Ctrl - W > l
Set textwidth for automatic line-wrapping as you type:
: set textwidth = 80
Turn on syntax highlighting
: syn on
Turn it off:
: syn off
Force the filetype for syntax highlighting:
: set filetype = python
: set filetype = c
: set filetype = php
Use lighter coloring scheme for a dark background:
: set background = dark
Htmlize a file using the current syntax highlighting:
: so $VIMRUNTIME / syntax / 2 html . vim
Or, htmlize from a command prompt:
in put:
#!/bin/ sh
vim - n - c ':so $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/2html.vim' - c ':wqa' $ 1 > /dev/null 2 > /dev/null
Now just run: shell>
Document originally from
updated and maintained by Greg Lawler
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