wise summary

Those of you keeping track, know we've always been big fans of MySQL but at the same time, we keep writing about migrating different parts of our application to Memcached, Cassandra, Lucene and ElasticSearch.

Why do we keep jumping from one storage engine to another? Can't we make up our minds already and settle with the "best" storage engine that meets our needs?

In short, No.

A common misconception is the belief that all storage engines are created equal, all designed to simply "store stuff" and provide fast access to your data. Unless your application performs one clearly defined simple task, it is a dire mistake to expect a single storage engine will effectively fulfill all of your data warehousing and processing needs.

* MySQL is great when you need ad-hoc queries and you're dealing with a relatively small data set.

* Memcached comes into play when you have a read-heavy environment and need a quick volatile cache to avoid querying MySQL a dozen times per page.

* Lucene and ElasticSearch are your friends when you need fulltext search, or when your MySQL data set grows to a point where running the filters and joins in MySQL becomes slow like a snail.

* Cassandra is amazing when you have a write-heavy environment, need to be capable of scaling writes linearly and supporting a huge data set.

* redis works particularly well as a state machine, when you need counters with atomic increment/decrement. Typical uses: "how many users are on my website?" ala ChartBeat, "how many jobs are waiting to be processed" etc.
