
use master
exec sp_addumpdevice 'disk',mybackupfile,
exec sp_dropdevice mybackupfile

backup database northwind
to disk = 'c:\northwind.bak'

backup database northwind
to mybackupfile

backup database northwind
to mybackupfile
with differential

-- 备份日志文件到备份设备
exec sp_addumpdevice 'disk',mybackupLog,
backup log northwind
to mybackupLog
-- 备份日志文件到临时备份设备
backup log northwind
to disk = 'c:\mybackupLog.bak'
restore database northwind
from mybackupfile

backup database northwind
to disk = 'c:\northwindback.bak'
backup database northwind
to disk = 'c:\northwindback.bak'
with differential
restore database northwind
from disk = 'c:\northwindback.bak'
with file = 1,recovery
restore database northwind
from disk = 'c:\northwindback.bak'
with file = 2,recovery
restore database northwind
from disk = 'c:\northwindback.bak'
with file = 1,norecovery
restore log northwind
from disk = 'c:\northwindLog.bak'
with file = 1,recovery
backup database northwind
to disk = 'c:\northwind.bak'
backup log northwind
to disk = 'c:\mybackupLog.bak'
restore database northwind
from disk = 'c:\northwind.bak'
with file = 1,norecovery
restore log northwind
from disk = 'c:\mybackupLog.bak'
with file = 1 ,stopat = '2006-4-7 9:54:00' ,recovery
