Although the Java virtual machine defines a
type, it only provides very limited support for it. There are no Java virtual machine instructions solely dedicated to operations on
values. Instead, expressions in the Java programming language that operate on
values are compiled to use values of the Java virtual machine
data type.
The Java virtual machine does directly support boolean
arrays. Its newarray instruction enables creation of boolean
arrays. Arrays of type boolean
are accessed and modified using the byte
array instructions baload and bastore.
- public class Test {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- boolean b = true;
- boolean b1 = false;
- boolean[] bs = {true, false, false, true};
- int[] array = new int[3];
- byte[] bytes = new byte[3];
- System.out.println(bs.getClass());
- System.out.println(array.getClass());
- System.out.println(bytes.getClass());
- }
- }
class [Z
class [I
class [B
- 0: iconst_1 //true用1表示
- 1: istore_1
- 2: iconst_0 //false用0表示
- 3: istore_2
- 4: iconst_4
- 5: newarray boolean //boolean数组
- 7: dup
- 8: iconst_0
- 9: iconst_1
- 10: bastore
- 11: dup
- 12: iconst_1
- 13: iconst_0
- 14: bastore
- 15: dup
- 16: iconst_2
- 17: iconst_0
- 18: bastore
- 19: dup
- 20: iconst_3
- 21: iconst_1
- 22: bastore
- 23: astore_3
- 24: iconst_3
- 25: newarray int
- 27: astore 4
- 29: iconst_3
- 30: newarray byte
- 32: astore 5
从上面可以看出对boolean数组的操作使用的是bastore,也就是操作byte 数组的指令. ps:分析这个问题的时候,使用了两个反编译工具jad和jd-gui,发现它们对boolean,short,byte,char这些类型处理的时候都是存在问题的.