Obama Likely to Tap Locke for Commerce

据美国政府一位高级官员说,奥巴马总统有可能提名前华盛顿州州长骆家辉(Gary Locke)担任商务部长,就在各方对虚弱的美国经济日感担忧之际,此举将使一位亲商界支持自由贸易的民主党人进入奥巴马内阁。骆家辉是奥巴马提出的第三位商务部长人选。他首次提名的是新墨西哥州州长比尔•理查森(Bill Richardson),但由于有报导说一个大陪审团正在调查理查森有可能将新墨西哥州一笔合同给了他一位政治捐款人之事,理查森谢绝了奥巴马的提名,不过他否认自己有任何不当行为。奥巴马第二次提名的是新罕布什尔州共和党参议员贾德•格雷格(Judd Gregg),但由于格雷格认为自己与身为民主党人的奥巴马总统在一系列问题上无法形成一致观点,他最终也放弃了这一机会。骆家辉未回复要求其发表评论的电话和电子邮件。Reuters骆家辉是自由贸易的倡导者现年59岁的骆家辉是美国首位当选州长的华裔美国人。他一直津津乐道的是,在自己1997至2005年担任华盛顿州州长期间,该州经济得到了加强,交通医疗保健和教育得到改善。在互联网泡沫破裂以及2001年美国发生恐怖袭击事件后,美国经济一度陷入低迷,骆家辉此时以其审慎的财政政策脱颍而出,他反对通过加税来弥补华盛顿州的预算缺口,而是选择了削减政府开支的做法。与此同时,骆家辉高度重视基础设施投资,努力保持华盛顿州良好的经商环境,并尽力为该州开拓出口市场。亲商界智库华盛顿研究会(Washington Research Council)的会长艾尔•罗尔斯顿(Al Ralston)说,作为州长,骆家辉对与华盛顿州的医疗保健和经商环境有关的事很敏感。由于民主党内的反对声音,骆家辉在连任一届华盛顿州州长后决定不再继续寻求连任。但据助手们说,骆家辉打算追求新的人生目标以及想把更多时间贡献给家庭的愿望似乎是他决定不再连任的主要原因。作为科班出身的律师,骆家辉最初受雇于重点服务对华贸易的律师事务所Davis Wright Tremaine LLP。他一直是自由贸易的提倡者,他支持美国前总统克林顿(Bill Clinton)让中国加入世界贸易组织(WTO)的努力,并支持北美自由贸易协定。在担任州长期间,骆家辉曾两次访华,以推动华盛顿州与中国的贸易,其中一次还访问了他祖先居住的村庄。骆家辉在国会审批对其提名的过程中可能会被问及对贸易问题的看法。美国劳联-产联(AFL-CIO)华盛顿州分会的负责人里克•本德尔(Rick Bender)说,骆家辉在他第二个州长任期内与商界的关系更密切,当时华盛顿州正面临一系列经济挑战。这在一些劳工反对的立法上有所体现,比如收紧失业救济的法规。为了让波音公司(Boeing Co.)继续留在华盛顿州,骆家辉还曾寻求推出刺激航空工业发展的措施。他也曾与微软(Microsoft Corp.)星巴克(Starbucks Corp.)以及华盛顿州的苹果产业等农业出口商密切合作。JOHN D. MCKINNON(更新完成)相关阅读奥巴马决意削减巨额赤字 2009-02-23美政府努力打消银行国有化恐惧症 2009-02-23

President Barack Obama is likely to nominate former Washington Gov. Gary Locke to be secretary of the Commerce Department, according to a senior administration official, putting a business-friendly, pro-trade Democrat in his cabinet at a time of growing worries about the shaky U.S. economy.Mr. Locke is Mr. Obama's third choice for the job. The first, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, withdrew his name amid reports of a grand-jury investigation into state contracts with one of his political donors, although he has denied wrongdoing. The second, New Hampshire Republican Sen. Judd Gregg, pulled out after concluding he couldn't reconcile his views with the president from another party.Mr. Locke didn't respond to calls and emails seeking comment.Mr. Locke, 59 years old, became the first Chinese-American to be elected governor in the U.S. Mr. Locke has touted his record of strengthening the state's economy and improving transportation, health care and education during his two terms between 1997 and 2005.He emerged as a fiscal conservative during the downturn that followed the dot-com bust and the terrorist attacks of 2001, opposing efforts to raise taxes to make up for state budget shortfalls and seeking instead to cut spending. At the same time, he made a high priority of infrastructure investment and worked to maintain a strong business climate and open markets for Washington's exports.'As governor he was acutely sensitive to issues that related to the health and business climate in the state,' said Al Ralston, president of the Washington Research Council, a pro-business think tank.Mr. Locke decided not to seek a third term, amid stirrings of political opposition within his own party. But associates said his desire to pursue a new chapter in his life and devote more time to his young family appeared to be the major factors.A lawyer by training, Mr. Locke moved to an international law firm, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP, focusing on Chinese trade.Mr. Locke long has been an advocate of free trade, supporting former President Bill Clinton's effort to make China a member of the World Trade Organization, and supporting the North American Free Trade Agreement. While he was governor, Mr. Locke paid two visits to China to promote trade, once touring an ancestral village. Mr. Locke is likely to be grilled on his views on trade during his confirmation process.Rick Bender, head of the Washington state chapter of the AFL-CIO, said Mr. Locke worked more closely with the business community during his second term, as the state faced economic challenges. Those efforts included some legislation that labor opposed, such as tightening unemployment benefits. He also sought aerospace-industry incentives to keep Boeing Co. production in the state. He worked closely with Microsoft Corp. and Starbucks Corp., and with agricultural exporters such as the state apple industry.JOHN D. MCKINNON
