Jamie Dimon and the Queen Give Up Their New Jets

对于民粹主义的危险,很少有人比英国王室更敏感。不过,银行的首席执行长们或许例外。Associated Press英国女王伊丽莎白二世及其丈夫菲利浦亲王在登上皇家专机也许这就是摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase & Co.)首席执行长戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)和英国王室双双放弃新的私人飞机的原因所在。《太阳报》(The Sun)报导说,英国王室本来会在下个月接受首架定制的12座飞机,以便“加强安全性,降低对包机的依赖”。相反,政府已经决定现在不是合适的时机。因为考虑到失业率不断上升和方方面面的问题。因此女王至少在明年还得向英国皇家空军预定飞机。与此同时,ABC News也曾报导过摩根大通将斥资逾1.3亿美元购买两架新飞机并翻修飞机库的消息。摩根大通已决定搁置该计划──至少要等到它归还了从美国政府的问题资产救助计划(Troubled Asset Relief Program)获得的救助资金之后。摩根大通已经拥有四架飞机。正如我以前说过的,私人飞机正成为最新一波仇富潮的靶子。当牵涉到国库资金的时候──也就是国家领导人和接受政府救助资金的银行高管──这种不满情绪是可以理解的。现在的一大问题是,这些尚未投入使用的飞机会怎么样?它们会被封存在莫哈韦沙漠吗?会不会有哪个企业家灵光一闪,以折扣价买下这些飞机,开一家低价私人飞机航空公司?读者们,你们对此怎么看──该拿这些没卖掉的私人飞机怎么办呢?Robert Frank

Few people are more sensitive to the perils of pitchfork populism than the British Royals. Except, maybe, bank CEOs.Perhaps that is why both J.P. Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon and the British royal family have decided to forgo new private jets. The Sun reports that Britain's royal family was expected to receive its first custom-built, 12-seater next month as part of an effort to 'improve security and reduce reliance on chartered planes.'Instead, the government has decided now just isn't the time. What with the rising jobless rate and all. So the Queen will make due with Royal Air Force planes for at least the next year.Meanwhile, ABC News broke the story that J.P. Morgan was expected to spend more than $130 million for two new jets and a renovation of its jet hangar. The bank has decided to shelve the plans at least until it has paid back money it received under the U.S. government's Troubled Asset Relief Program. The company already has four jets.As I have written before, private jets are taking a beating from the latest wave of antiplutocrats.When tax money is involved i.e, heads of state and heads of TARP-funded banks the resentment is understandable.The big question now is what will happen to all these unused planes? Will they be mothballed in the Mojave desert? Will some inspired entrepreneur buy them at cut-rate prices and start a budget-private-jet airline?How bout it readers…what should happen to all the unsold private jets?Robert Frank
