流程:取代码 -> 每次工作前更新代码到最新版本 -> 修改代码 -> 提交代码到服务器
h3. 取代码及修改全局设置
git config --global user.name "My Name"
git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
从已有的 git库中提取代码
git clone git@server:app.git myrepo
h3. 每次更改代码的操作
更新本地代码到最新版本(需要 merge才能合到本地代码中)
git fetch
git merge
更新代码方式的另一种方法 (git pull是 git fetch和 git merge命令的一个组合 )
git pull
git diff --cached
将新增加文件加入到 git中
git add file1 file2 file3
从 git中删除文件
git rm file1
git rm -r dir1
git commit -m 'this is memo'
如果想省掉提交之前的 git add 命令,可以直接用
git commit -a -m 'this is memo'
bq. commit和 commit -a的区别 , commit -a相当于:
* 第一步:自动地 add所有改动的代码,使得所有的开发代码都列于 index file中
* 第二步:自动地删除那些在 index file中但不在工作树中的文件
* 第三步:执行 commit命令来提交
git push
h3. 其它常用命令
显示 commit日志
git log
不仅显示 commit日志,而且同时显示每次 commit的代码改变。
git log -p
git revert HEAD
你也可以 revert更早的 commit,例如:
git revert HEAD^
git reset --hard
查看最新版本和上一个版本的差异 (一个 ^表示向前推进一个版本 )
git diff HEAD HEAD^
将 branchname分支合并到当前分支中。 (如果合并发生冲突,需要自己解决冲突 )
git merge branchname
bq. 当 merge命令自身无法解决冲突的时候,它会将工作树置于一种特殊的状态,并且给用户提供冲突信息,以期用户可以自己解决这些问题。当然在这个时候,未发生冲突的代码已经被 git merge登记在了 index file里了。如果你这个时候使用 git diff,显示出来的只是发生冲突的代码信息。
bq. 在你解决了冲突之前,发生冲突的文件会一直在 index file中被标记出来。这个时候,如果你使用 git commit提交的话, git会提示: filename.txt needs merge
bq. 在发生冲突的时候,如果你使用 git status命令,那么会显示出发生冲突的具体信息。
第一步 (如果需要增加文件 ):
git add file1
git commit
h3. git恢复删除了的文件
git pull 从 git服务器取出,并且和本地修改 merge, 类似于 SVN up,但是对删除的文件不管用,恢复删除文件用
git checkout -f
GIT中文教程: http://www.bitsun.com/documents/gittutorcn.htm
CONFIGURE 标识你自己:电子邮件和名字: git config --global user.name "David Beckwith" git config --global user.email "[email protected]" 看所有用户: git config --list 或者 cat .gitconfig 设置别名 git config --global alias.co checkout 查看你的配置 cat .gitconfig 去忽略空白 (Ruby is whitespace insensitive) git config --global apply.whitespace nowarn Some nice aliases: [[ plain gb = git branch gba = git branch -a gc = git commit -v gd = git diff | mate gl = git pull gp = git push gst = git status START USING GIT git init TO IGNORE SOME FILES 在根目录下增加一个叫 .gitignore 的文件,并且增加你想ignore的文件: .log db/schema.rb db/schema.sql Git自动ignore空目录。如果你想包含log目录,但是想ignore里面的所有文件,首先在.gitignore文件里加log/, 然后在这个空目录下再添加一个空的 .gitignore 文件。 touch log/.gitignore add新文件以及所有change到git index git add . 看状态 git status 提交 git commit -m "First import" 看已经被提交的 git ls-files 删除一个文件 git rm [file name] 提交当前repos的所有的改变 git commit -a 添加一个文件到git index git add [file name] 当你用-v参数的时候可以看commit的差异 git commit -v 添加commit信息 git commit -m "This is the message describing the commit" -a是代表add,把所有的change加到git index里然后再commit git commit -a 一般提交命令: git commit -a -v 看你commit的日志 git log TO VIEW A LOG OF YOUR COMMITS WITH A GRAPH TO SHOW THE EXTENT OF THE CHANGES git log --stat TO HAVE PAGINATION WHEN VIEWING THE LOG FILE USE THE -v OPTION git log -v TO VISUALIZE YOUR CHANGES gitk --all TO CREATE A NEW BRANCH git branch [name of your new branch] TO VIEW ALL OF THE EXISTING BRANCHES git branch TO VIEW A LIST OF ALL BRANCHES git branch -a TO SWITCH TO ANOTHER BRANCH The state of your file system will change after executing this command. git checkout [name of the branch you want to switch to] OR git co [name of the branch you want to switch to] TO MAKE SURE THAT YOUR NEW BRANCH GETS CHANGES FROM THE MASTER BRANCH (WHERE EVERYBODY ELSE IS WORKING) USE THE REBASE COMMAND git rebase master TO MERGE YOUR NEW BRANCH INTO THE MASTER BRANCH First, switch back to the master branch: git co master Check to see what changes you’re about to merge together, compare the two branches: git diff master xyz If you’re in a branch that’s not the xyz branch and want to merge the xyz branch into it: git merge xyz TO REVERT YOUR CHANGES to before the merge. git reset --hard ORIG_HEAD TO RESOLVE CONFLICTS just edit your file. Remove the markings, add the file, then commit. TO CREATE A BRANCH AND SWITCH TO THE BRANCH IN ONE MOVE: git checkout -b [name of new branch] TO CREATE A “CLIPBOARD” or “STASH” OF CHANGES THAT ARE NOT YET COMMITED (SO THAT YOU CAN SWITCH TO ANOTHER BRANCH IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR CHANGES.), CREATE A STASH. git stash "Put a message here to remind you of what you're saving to the clipboard" TO SWITCH AWAY FROM THE CURRENT BRANCH git co [branch you want to switch to] Do whatever Then switch back to the stashed branch git co [the stashed branch] TO VIEW THE LIST OF STASHES git stash list TO LOAD BACK THE “CLIPBOARD” OR “STASH” git stash apply Now you can continue to work where you were previously. TO DELETE A BRANCH THAT IS NOT USED ANYMORE, but already merged into the current branch. (TO CLEAN UP) git branch -d [name of branch you want to delete] TO DELETE AN UNMERGED BRANCH git branch -D [name of branch you want to delete] TO DELETE THE STASH. (ERASE THE “CLIPBOARD” FROM MEMORY) git stash clear TO SET UP YOUR REPOSITORY FOR SHARING ON A CENTRAL SERVER Copy up your repository. e.g.: scp -r my_project [email protected]:my_project Move your files on the remote server to /var/git/my_project For security make the owner of this project git On the repository server: sudo chown -R git:git my_project Then (for security) restrict the “deploy” user to doing git-related things in /etc/passwd with a git-shell. TO CHECK OUT THE GIT REPOSITORY TO YOUR LOCALHOST. ON YOUR LOCAL HOST DO THIS: git clone [email protected]:/var/git/my_project TO SEE SOME INFO ABOUT THE REPOSITORY THAT WILL TELL YOU WHICH REPOSITORY IS THE MASTER AND WHICH IS THE SLAVE: cat .git/config By virtue of having cloned the remote repository, your local repository becomes the slave and will track and synchronize with the remote master branch. TO UPDATE YOUR LOCAL BRANCH FROM THE REMOTE SERVER: git pull TO GET A COPY OF THE ENTIRE REMOTE REPOSITORY (e.g. a repository named “laptop”) WITHOUT MERGING THEM INTO YOUR LOCAL BRANCHES USE FETCH git fetch laptop TO MERGE TWO LOCAL BRANCHES (ie. your local xyz branch with your local master branch) USE MERGE git merge laptop/xyz This merged the (already copied laptop repository’s xyz branch) with the current branch you’re sitting in. TO MERGE THE REMOTE BRANCH WITH YOUR LOCAL BRANCH THAT YOU ARE SITTING IN USE PULL TO ADD LOCAL KNOWLEDGE (TO YOUR LOCAL REPOSITORY) OF A 2ND REMOTE REPOSITORY, LIKE YOUR LAPTOP git remote add laptop duo2book.local:repos/m_project where ’’‘laptop’’” is the name of the remote repository and ”’‘duo2book.local’’” is the name of the remote machine. TO VIEW META INFORMATION ABOUT THAT REMOTE REPOSITORY git remote show laptop TO PUSH A COMMITTED LOCAL CHANGE OF THE xyz BRANCH TO THE REMOTE laptop BRANCH git push laptop xyz TO CREATE A TRACKING BRANCH (A SLAVE BRANCH). Ie. to link a local branch to a remote branch: git branch --track local_branch remote_branch NOW IF YOU’RE SITTING IN THE LOCAL TRACKING BRANCH, TO PULL YOU DON’T NEED TO SPECIFY THE REMOTE TRACKING BRANCH: git pull Note: You can track(link) different local branches to different remote machines. For example, you can track your friend’s “upgrade” branch with your “bobs_upgrade” branch, and simultaneously you can track the origin’s “master” branch (of your main webserver) with your local “master” branch. By convention, ‘origin’ is the local name given to the remote centralized server which is the way SVN is usually set up on a remote server. TO SEE WHICH LOCAL BRANCHES ARE TRACKING A REMOTE BRANCH: git remote show origin TO WORK WITH AN SVN REPOSITORY BUT WORK WITH GIT LOCALLY: git-svn clone [http location of an svn repository] Now you can work with the checked out directory as though it was a git repository. (cuz it is) TO PUSH (COMMIT) CHANGES TO THE REMOTE SERVER git-svn dcommit TO UPDATE YOUR LOCAL REPOSITORY FROM THE SVN REPOSITORY git-svn rebase NOTE: make sure you have your perl bindings to your local svn installation. I screwed up, how do I reset my checkout? git checkout -f