jQuery - basic

  • Recognize the power of jQuery selectors and specifically how XPath and CSS selectors work.
  • Learn how jQuery supports CSS level 1/2/3 selectors, including custom and form selectors.
  • Understand how element sets are built and how to use them.
  • Learn how to execute a given callback function in the context of an element set using jQuery.each().
  • Know how to get the number of elements in a matching set using the length property and/or and size() method.
  • Know how to retrieve the index of a given element present in a matching set using the index() method.
  • Understand how to retrieve an element from a matching set using the get() method.
  • Know how to make jQuery compatible with other libraries that make use of the $ variable using jQuery.noConflict().
  • Learn how to modify the DOM using the following methods:
    • after()
    • append()
    • before()
    • empty()
    • prepend()
    • remove()
    • wrap()
  • Know how to get the content of any DOM element using the html() and text() methods.
  • Know how to get the value of form elements using the val() method.
  • Understand how to manage element attributes using the attr() and removeAttr() methods.
  • Learn how to use the bind()/unbind() methods for registering and unregistering event handlers on elements for the following events: blur, change, click, dblclick, focus, keydown, keypress, keyup, load, mousedown, mousemove, mouseout, mouseover, mouseup, ready, resize, scroll, select, submit, unload
  • Learn how to manage CSS properties using the css() method.
  • Know how to resize elements using the width() and height() methods.
  • Learn how to manage element classes using the addClass(), removeClass() and toggleClass() methods.
  • Know the basics of the support offered by jQuery for making Ajax calls.
  • Understand how to modify/update content in any DOM element using the load() method.
  • Identify how to create simple Ajax requests using the jQuery.get() and jQuery.post() utility methods.
  • Build a query string using the jQuery.serialize() method.
  • Learn how to show/hide elements using the show() and hide() methods.
  • Understand how the CSS properties of elements are modified when showing/hiding them using the show() and hide() methods.
  • Learn the syntax for creating new plugins using the jQuery.fn.xxx() notation.
  • Recognize methods declaring new plugins among a set of other methods.
  • Know how to name plugin files.
