GWT - Basic

Concepts Understand the architecture and principles that drive GWT.
  • Describe the mechanism of the GWT compiler process
  • Explain what benefits can be expected from using Java as a programming language (as opposed to Javascript programming)
  • Describe how cross-browser compatibility is handled
  • Understand the role of each component of GWT:
    • GWT Java-to-JavaScript Compiler
    • GWT Hosted Web Browser
    • JRE emulation library
    • GWT Web UI class library
Java language support Understand the subset of Java that is supported by GWT
  • Identify what level of Java language is supported
  • Describe the caveats that are due to the target language (Javascript), in particular:
    • primitive types (range, wrapping, float vs double)
    • long emulation
    • absence of multithreading
    • limited reflection possibilities
  • List what packages/classes of the standard Java library are emulated
Hosted mode vs web mode
  • Describe the purpose of hosted mode
  • Compare and contrast running native Java bytecode with hosted mode vs translated JavaScript in web mode
  • Discuss the differences between the hosted mode browser and a standard browser
  • Explain how hosted mode is used to debug an application
  • Explain how to switch to web mode from the hosted mode browser
  • Discuss why and when to use web mode
Package and file structure
  • Discuss the differences between translatable (client-side) code, non-translatable (server-side) code, and static files
  • Describe the standard directory and package layout
HTML host page and entry point
  • Describe hat a GWT entry point is
  • Wirte a Java class that implements a GWT entry point
  • Explain the relationship between GWT code and the HTML host page
  • Write a GWT-enabled HTML host page
Module configuration file
  • Describe the purpose of the GWT module file
  • Explain how it is named and where to look for it
  • Write a minimal module file with the following settings:
    • inherited modules
    • starting point
    • stylesheet
Basic UI building
  • Compare and contrast GWT UI programming with other GUI technologies such as Swing
  • Discuss the differences between a simple widget and a panel
  • Describe the most basic widgets (Button, TextBox)
  • Write code that creates a Button and attaches a ClicHandler to it
  • Describe the most common panels (HorizontalPanel, VerticalPanel, TabPanel)
  • Write code that creates a simple widget and adds it to a panel
  • Explain what a RootPanel is
  • Write code that obtains the default RootPanel / the RootPanel associated to a HTML element designated by it ID
  • Describe the principles of GWT RPC
  • Explain how the asynchronous nature of RPC affects remote calls
  • Write minimal classes/interfaces to implement a GWT RPC service with a single method:
    • the service interface
    • the service async interface
    • the service implementation
  • Write code that performs the steps required to make an actual RPC call:
    • obtain the local proxy
    • define a callback
    • call the proxy
  • Discuss the concept of serializability and its GWT variant
  • Make a class serializable
  • Modify a GWT module configuration file to activate the embedded application server for testing a GWT RPC service
