hibernate select 选择列 返回bean

Hibernate Querying 101 : tips and tricks

String query =
"select com.id, com.label, com.postCode, com.mayor.name
from Community as com
left join com.mayor
order by com.label ";

results = HibernateUtils.find(query);

public List find(final String hqlQuery) throws Exception {

List results = new ArrayList();
// Prepare a Hibernate query
Query query = SessionManager.currentSession().createQuery(hqlQuery);
// Determine the return type for this query
Type beanType = query.getReturnTypes()[0];
Class beanClass = beanType.getReturnedClass();
// Extract the list of columns returned by this query
String[] columns = extractColumns(hqlQuery);
// Pre-process bean attribute names, stripping spaces 'as' clauses
String[] attributeNames = getAttributeFieldNames(columns);
// Pre-process result field names, stripping spaces and retaining
// alias field names instead of the original column names where necessary
String[] resultFieldNames = getResultFieldNames(columns);
// Execute query and build result list
Iterator iter = query.iterate();
while(iter.hasNext()) {
  Object[] row = (Object[]) iter.next();
  Object bean = beanClass.newInstance();
  for (int j = 0; j < row.length; j++) {
if (row[j] != null) {
initialisePath(bean, attributeNames[j]);
PropertyUtils.setProperty(bean, attributeNames[j], row[j]);
return results;

private static void initialisePath(final Object bean,
   final String fieldName)
throws Exception {
int dot = fieldName.indexOf('.');
while (dot >= 0) {
String attributeName = fieldName.substring(0, dot);
Class attributeClass = PropertyUtils.getPropertyType(bean, attributeName);
if (PropertyUtils.getProperty(bean, attributeName) == null) {
PropertyUtils.setProperty(bean, attributeName, attributeClass.newInstance());
dot = fieldName.indexOf('.', dot + 1);

