
八月份在复旦光华培训之后,一直计划着要考EMC Clariion的ceritification.  在以前不太了解CX系列的时候老觉得他很神秘.但是现在开来他的管理十分简单,一个GUI一个CLI,基本上所有的东东都搞定了.

想想也是,CX上的snapview. clone, mirrorview, sancopy以及increment  San copy all based on the snapshot technology with the LUN level.

So, I just wonder that this system is easy to management and so hard to look into the internal without the information from them. 

The most popular architecture of CX is hardware related, but the core of CX is the Flare, I think if I can get  software architecture of FLARE, it will be great.

Anyways, I will arrange the test this week. I hope I can pass it because I think the content  of training stuff is pretty easy and I will embarrasse if I can't pass.

Make this point as a evidence
