My eyes, for the latest years,had apparently some illness. They are ofen saline,and the eyesight fall frequently. Maybe I aught to see the eye-doctor.
This morning, today, I read an article , of which title "The wollet", wrote a story of love which had been went on for more than 50 years, a great love. The woman dramatis personae ,who was called hanna,had fall in love with a man whose name was micheal when she was 15 years old, but her mother held back her love because she was too young. she had wrote a mail to micheal to vindicate her love with him, she kept bachelorhood becasue she thought no man can replace micheal in heart. and the boy ,micheal , who also love her, and also kept bachelorhood after received the mail from hanna, he thought her to be the unique princess in his heart.Till a man had picked up the wollet which contained the mail in it, and with the lucky chance of the man looking for the owner of wollet, they was got to see each other again and married. I reverence the love very much, but I don't know why they look for each other during the more than 50 years, and they weather had seek the love whith orthers, and the love occured on they was 15 years old and the other was 19 years old, the character and concept was not stabilization, the love could last for more than 50 years? during this time they hadn't seen each other any more!
Last night I gone bed before 22:00, and the career of my study is too slow.So I must establish a scheme and to bring into effect as soon as possible.