PDC: COM Interop新功能:Type Equivalency / NO PIA

在PDC上,Misha Shneerson和Andrew Whitechapel的Session:Under the Hood: Advances in the .NET Type System中披露了.NET 4.0中Interop的新功能:Type Equivalency,而内部我们都将这个Feature称之为NO PIA(Primary Interop Assembly)。这个Feature是VB/C#/Interop小组共同努力合作完成的,可以说是CLR Interop在.NET 4.0中最大的改进之一。我会在接下来的几篇Blog中介绍我们为什么要做这个Feature,以及这个Feature的使用方法,工作原理,等等。如果有时间,我也会考虑做一个Webcast。想先睹为快的朋友可以先下载Video和PPT:

TL02 Under the Hood: Advances in the .NET Type System

Misha Shneerson, Andrew Whitechapel

Enhancements to the type system in the next version of .NET Framework allow for loose type-coupling of components comprising your application. This talk is an in-depth examination of the changes in the Common Language Runtime and managed languages. See how these changes help to simplify versioning and deployment of components targeting either COM based and/or fully managed applications. For Office developers, learn how to eliminate the need to redistribute primary interop assemblies.

Video: http://mschnlnine.vo.llnwd.net/d1/pdc08/WMV-HQ/TL02.wmv

PPT: http://mschnlnine.vo.llnwd.net/d1/pdc08/PPTX/TL02.pptx
