【C++ Primer】第十四章 C++中的代码重用



1)valarray类简介 #include <valarray>


用法:vallarray <int> a; //数组 a size=0

vallarray <double> b(10); //数组 b size=10

vallarray <double> c(10,8); //数组 c size=8 每个元素设置为 10

int s={2,3,4,5,6}; vallarray <double> d(s,3); //数组d 取s的前三个元素

2)student 类设计

#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <valarray> using namespace std; class student { private: typedef valarray<double> ArrayDb;//定义了一个double数组 的别名 string name; ArrayDb scores;//数组 ostream & arr_out(ostream &os)const; public: /*已经初始化的类*/ student():name("NULL Student"),scores(){}; student(const string &s):name(s),scores(){}; explicit student(int n):name("NULLy"),scores(n){}; //关闭隐式转换 因为n为数组个数 student(const string &s,int n):name(s),scores(n){}; student(const string &s,ArrayDb a):name(s),scores(a){};//分数为数组 student(const char *str,const double *pd,int n):name(str),scores(pd,n){}; ~student(){cout<<"\nstudent is over";}; double Average()const; const string &Name()const; double &operator[](int i); double operator[](int i)const; /*友元函数*/ friend istream &operator>>(istream &is,student &stu); /*如果是成员函数,而不是友元函数的话,student>>cin 这样调用*/ friend istream &getline(istream &is,student &stu); friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os,const student &stu); }; double student::Average()const //求student 平均分 { if(scores.size()>0) return scores.sum()/scores.size(); else return 0; } const string &student::Name()const { return name; } double &student::operator[](int i) { return scores[i]; } double student::operator[](int i)const { return scores[i]; } ostream & student::arr_out(ostream &os)const //将所有结果输出 { int i; int lim=scores.size(); if(lim>0) { for(i=0;i<lim;i++) { os<<scores[i]<<" "; if(i%5==4) os<<endl; } if(i%5!=0) os<<endl; } else os<<"empty array"; return os; } istream &operator>>(istream &is,student &stu) { is>>stu.name; return is; } istream &getline(istream &is,student &stu) { getline(is,stu.name); return is; } ostream &operator<<(ostream &os,const student &stu) { os<<"scores for "<<stu.name<<":\n"; stu.arr_out(os); return os; } void set(student &s,int n) { cout<<"please enter the student's name:"; getline(cin,s); cout<<"please enter "<<n<<"quiz scores:\n"; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) cin>>s[i]; while(cin.get()!='\n') continue; } int main() { student ada[3]={student(5),student(5),student(5)}; //初始化学生数组 int i; for(i=0;i<3;++i) set(ada[i],5); //初始化学生 cout<<"\nStudent List"; for(i=0;i<3;++i) //学生名单 cout<<ada[i].Name()<<endl; cout<<"\nResult"; for(i=0;i<3;++i) //学生平均分 { cout<<endl<<ada[i]; cout<<"avaverage: "<<ada[i].Average()<<endl; } cout<<"\nDone.\n"; return 0; }


typedef double double_a; //为已知类型 double起别名 double_a

typedef struct node{

char *name;

int age;

} *Node;

typedef valarray<double> ArrayDb;//定义了一个double数组 的别名

2)explicit : 关闭构造函数的隐式转换

explicit student(int n):name("NULLy"),scores(n){};

如果 student dod("xiaotian",10);//定义对象 名字为“xiaotian" 数组有5个元素

dod=5;//重新定义dod对象 名字为空,数组有5个元素

如果没有explicit 则调用student(5); 将5转化为一个临时student 对象


1)class student : private string, private valarray<double>


特征 公有继承 保护继承 私有继承
共有成员变成 派生类的公有成员 派生类的保护成员 派生类的私有成员
保护成员变成 派生类的保护成员 派生类的保护成员 派生类的私有成员
私有成员变成 派生类的私有成员 派生类的私有成员 派生类的私有成员

使用using 重新定义访问权限,让私有继承中的方法也可以调用

class student :private string,private valarray<double>



using std::valarray::mix; //using 声明只使用 成员名,没有圆括号

using std::valarray::min;



#include <string> #include <iostream> using namespace std; class worker { private: string fullname; long ID; public: worker():fullname("no one"),ID(0L){}; worker(const string &s, long n):fullname(s),ID(n){}; virtual ~worker()=0;// 虚函数 virtual void set(); virtual void show() const; } ; class waiter:public worker //服务员 { private: int panache; public: waiter():worker(),panache(0){}; waiter(const string &s,long n,int p=0):worker(s,n),panache(p){}; waiter(const worker &wk,int p=0):worker(wk),panache(0){}; void set(); void show()const; }; class singer:public worker { protected: enum{ others,alto,constralto,soprano,bass,baritone,tenor }; enum{Vtypes = 7}; private: static char *pv[Vtypes]; int voice; public: singer():worker(),voice(others){}; singer(const string &s,long n,int v=others):worker(s,n),voice(others){}; singer(const worker &wk,int v=others):worker(wk),voice(others){}; void set(); void show()const; }; worker::~worker(){ }//虚函数必须实现 void worker::set() { cout<<"Enter worker's name:"; getline(cin,fullname); cout<<"Enter worker's ID: "; cin>>ID; while(cin.get()!='\n')//记住这里是字符而不是字符串 continue; } void worker::show()const { cout<<"name:"<<fullname<<endl; cout<<"employee id"<<ID<<endl; } //waiter method void waiter::set() { worker::set(); cout<<"Enter waiter's panache rating :"; cin>>panache; while(cin.get()!='\n')//记住这里是字符而不是字符串 continue; } void waiter::show()const { cout<<"category:waiter\n"; worker::show(); cout<<"panache rating :"<<panache<<"\n"; } //singer method char *singer::pv[]={ "other","alto","constralto","soprano","bass","baritone","tenor" }; void singer::set() { worker::set(); int i; for(i=0;i<Vtypes;++i) { cout<<i<<":"<<pv[i]<<" "; if(i%4== 3) cout<<endl; } if(i%4==0) cout<<endl; cin>>voice; while(cin.get()!='\n') continue; } void singer::show()const { cout<<"category:singer\n"; worker::show(); cout<<"vocal range :"<<pv[voice]<<endl; } const int LIM=4; int main() { waiter bob("bob apple",314L,5); singer bev("beverly hills",522L,3); waiter w_temp; singer s_temp; worker *pw[LIM]={&bob,&bev,&w_temp,&s_temp}; int i; for(i=2;i<LIM;++i) pw[i]->set(); for(i=0;i<LIM;i++) { pw[i]->show(); cout<<endl; } return 0; } 


class singerwaiter :public singer,public waiter{};


singerwaiter ed;

worker *pw = &ed;//这 会出现二义性


1>worker *pw=(waiter *)&ed;

worker *pw=(singer *)&ed;


class singer:virtual public worker{};

class waiter:public virtual worker{};

这时 class singerwaiter:public singer,public worker;


3)singerwaiter ss; ss.show();//引起二义性



1)template <class Type> //template 告诉编译器,将要定义一个模板。class 是类型名,Type 是该变量名


#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cctype> using namespace std; template <class Type> class stack { private: enum{MAX=10}; Type items[MAX]; int top; public: stack(); bool isempty(); bool isfull(); bool push(const Type &item);//add item to stack bool pop(Type &item); }; template <class Type> stack<Type>::stack() { top=0; } template <class Type> bool stack<Type>::isempty() { return top==0; } template <class Type> bool stack<Type>::isfull() { return top==MAX; } template <class Type> bool stack<Type>::push(const Type &item) { if(top<MAX) { items[top++] = item; return true; } else { return false; } } template <class Type> bool stack<Type>::pop(Type &item) { if(top>0) { item=items[--top]; return true; } else { return false; } } int main() { stack<string> st; //???????????? char ch; string po; cout<<"Please enter A to add a purchase order\n"<<"P to process a PO,or Q to quit.\n"; while(cin>>ch&&std::toupper(ch)!='Q') { while(cin.get()!='\n') continue; if(!std::isalpha(ch)) { cout<<'\a'; continue; } switch(ch) { case 'A': case 'a':cout<<"Enter a po number to add:"; cin>>po; if(st.isfull()) cout<<"stack is already full"<<endl; else st.push(po); break; case 'p': case 'P':if(st.isempty()) cout<<"stack already empty"<<endl; else { st.pop(po); cout<<"po#"<<po<<"popped\n"; break; } } cout<<"Please enter A to add a purchase order\n"<<"P to process a PO,or Q to quit.\n"; } cout<<"BYE\n"; return 0; } 


2)递归使用模板:Array<Array<int , 5>,10> a;//包含10个元素的数组,每个元素是包含5个元素的数组

int a[10][5]; //含有十行,每行包含5个元素

3)使用多个参数:template <class T1, class T2> //声明

class pa


T1 a;

T2 b;


pa<string ,int>("tianshuai",1);


