A tiny framework that makes it easy to write Test Data Builders in Java
import static com.natpryce.makeiteasy.MakeItEasy.a;
import static com.natpryce.makeiteasy.MakeItEasy.make;
import static com.natpryce.makeiteasy.MakeItEasy.with;
import com.natpryce.makeiteasy.Instantiator;
import com.natpryce.makeiteasy.Property;
import com.natpryce.makeiteasy.PropertyLookup;
public class MakeiteasyTest {
public static final Property<Person, String> name = Property.newProperty();
public static final Property<Person, Integer> age = Property.newProperty();
public static final Property<Person, Double> salary = Property
public static final Instantiator<Person> Person = new Instantiator<Person>() {
public Person instantiate(PropertyLookup<Person> lookup) {
Person person = new Person();
person.setName(lookup.valueOf(name, "name"));
person.setAge(lookup.valueOf(age, 1234));
person.setSalary(lookup.valueOf(salary, 12.3));
return person;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Person person = make(a(Person, with(name, "ni")));
public class MakeItEasy {
public static <T> Maker<T> a(Instantiator<T> instantiator, PropertyValue<? super T, ?> ... propertyProviders) {
return new Maker<T>(instantiator, propertyProviders);
public static <T> T make(Maker<T> maker) {
return maker.value();
public static <T,V,W extends V> PropertyValue<T,V> with(Property<T,V> property, W value) {
return new PropertyValue<T, V>(property, new SameValueDonor<V>(value));