Family programming

Face severe employment pressure, Net Long-Xi ( the courage to assume responsibility for addressing the supply and demand of educational resources and learners contradictory social responsibility, both companies must: "Be sure to join our partners in business or the creation of wealth, "" Be sure to make waves Xi Chinese Net ( Chinese learners and education has become the preferred service platform. "
Two, the product system
Company currently has four tutorial system
1, free tutorial
The tutorial is divided into original and non-original parts, original parts recorded by the wave-Xi lecturer, focusing on basic study, as well as some advanced tutorial; network of non-original parts are collected, used to attract popular.
2, VIP tutorial
Target training: facing the employment of graduates
Tutorial levels: Medium, Advanced
Teaching content: The students at the school side theory, work experience less difficult problem of employment, VIP tutorial focusing on the actual development, combined with the topic of teaching and small-scale projects to enable students to understand the development of real practice, to improve their own competitiveness, employment successfully.
3, training tutorial
The main study staff: in-service staff
Tutorial levels: Medium, Advanced
Teaching content: training tutorial combines a number of small and medium-sized project development and the latest feature mainly for serving officers to lay a foundation for further study, the course content than the whole of the higher basic trainees.
4, remote training
The main study staff: in-service staff
Tutorial levels: Advanced
Teaching content: the relative long-range training requirements of higher education in greater depth the whole more to large and medium-sized project development focused on combat as the medium of instruction, to impart a lecturer for many years development experience; At the same time, fixed-time lecturer in the Q & A real-time online students encounter in the course of study the problem.
