code name-"KittyHawk",微软对非开发人员web工具给予重视

KittyHawk is an attempt by Microsoft to make .Net easier for those outside its traditional developer community. The company’s recently introduced WebMatrix tool suite is one way Microsoft is doing this. WebMatrix is aimed at those developing Web applications.


KittyHawk, on the other hand, is targeted at fledgling coders who are interested in building business applications. The idea, my sources say, is to bring the Fox/Access style of programming to .Net. (Remember Visual FoxPro? There is still a vocal and substantial Fox community out there who’ve continued to push Fox, in spite of a lack of much support from the Softies.)


“KittyHawk is targeting the corporate guy with some Excel/Access savvy,” said one of my tipsters, who asked for anonymity. “It is a drag and drop, template-driven, visual designer….It’s not code-based, but you can write code if you want to.”


Word is KittyHawk will produce Silverlight 4.0 and XAML code.


Maybe KittyHawk is going to end up as a new and separate Visual Studio SKU. Rumor has it Microsoft is going to share more about all this in August.
