用sqlldr 导入数据时出现 不能描述表 FEED 错误






i spent lot of time nearly 9 hours in two days to resolve the problem. didn't get any help from net. Really frustrated. finally i got the answer.
ans: use uppercase for the tablename.



I had to import almost half of billion rows in one Oracle table and for that I wrote a small SQLLoader script (below):

"load data infile * append into table "usermonth....."

And I received the following error message

"SQL*Loader-941: Error during describe of table "usermonth"
ORA-04043: object "usermonth" does not exist"

After one hour of despair and I realized by pure luck that you need to provide the name of the table with upper case, otherwise the utility is not able to find it. Quite strange, but at least I’m happy that now it works.









The following error when trying to access a table:

ORA-04043: object SSS.NNN does not exist

Where ‘SSS’ is the name of a schema and ‘NNN’ the name of a table.

Possible causes and remedies:

  • Check that the table does exist and that it is spelt correctly.
  • Check the creator/owner of the object, it may be that the table exists but is in a different schema from the current. If the table is in a different schema then try specifying the schema explicitly.
  • Check the permissions – specifically that the account experiencing the error has permissions to select the object/table in question.

This page represents one page of many pages of notes I made whilst working with Oracle 7 through to 10i. I now no longer work with Oracle databases, but hope that these notes will continue to be of benefit to others.







1. 执行的时候让运行sqlldr的目录和实际存放ctl文件的目录相同。例如:ctl文件放在'd:\ssjk.ctl',那么运行ctl的时候cmd就切换到d盘下。
2 运行ctl的时候,sqlldr  userid=SYSTEM/admin@SID   control='d:\ssjk.ctl'
sqlldr  userid=username/password@orcl control='d:\ssjk.ctl'




出现ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified








 You say there is no connection problem - but obviously there is one; you just have to work out why.

1) check the connect string; can you use the same string from the same user and directory, and with the same environment, with SQL*Plus (eg use command line sqlplus - starting plus from an icon may set the environment differently

sqlplus user/password@dbglobal

2) check the service by using tnsping:

tnsping dbglobal

3) Does the failure stop the import immediately?
Yes: the definition of dbglobal you give may be incorrect - perhaps you are picking up the wrong tnsnames.ora

No: do some objects get imported successfully? Are there any database links in the export that you are importing? If so, this error message could be generated if the database links used a connect string that wasn't recognised by your Oracle server.

4) Are you using a local or a remote database? If it is remote, remember that its own tnsnames.ora may be different from yours (that can also happen with a local database, depending on ORACLE_HOME settings etc).

Try all those and see if that helps

Regards Nigel







select instance_name from v$instance

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