mysql 为例:
describe jin;
rename table jin to chun;
alter table jin rename to chun;
重命名列 --要列出列的类型, column可有可无
alter table jin change column name pass varchar(50);
show tables like 'jin%'
insert into table2 select * from table1;
alter table tb_nippon_mms_info add province varchar(50) default null after retCode;
alter table tb_nippon_mms_info add city varchar(50) default null after province;
alter table tb_nippon_mms_info add province varchar(50) default null before retCode;
alter table tb_nippon_mms_info add city varchar(50) default null before province;
alter table tb_nine_integral_mo_info drop column states ;
alter table business.tb_nine_ticket_popedom change phone phone varchar(50) not null unique;
alter table tb_nine change flag states tinyint(1);
rename table t_softwareport to software_port;
alter table software_port add constraint fk_software_port_softwareprocessid foreign key (softwareprocessid)
references software_process (id) on delete restrict on update restrict;