to your sword used

is a nonsense of the believers. After listening to some angry clouds Tianhe knocked fists: Shut up! Although I did not really understand what you're saying, but I forbid you to say bad things about my father he is the most powerful people under heaven and earth! Han Lingsha pointed pout: Well, well, angry on me ~ Do not make a mistake, always okay? Han Lingsha pointing cave: You always say the cave is called 'Dan Chen Kai-dong' is not to know the secret here? Tell me, OK? Yun Tian: Are you deliberately broke into the past? I can not let someone else into Dieshui Shichen Creek hole. Pig organs seems you do not open open the intruder authorities in the end you want to do? ! Han Lingsha some difficulties: I Milky face slightly angry cloud: (ah?! Are murderous!) Yun Tianhe knocked fists: (Is this woman going to kill me?!) Han Ling yarn: Hey Hey, how to say good, like you fell out with the open book? Han Lingsha pouted and: hole where there is no saying what I do not make people into you know, sir, right? Yun Tian: If you can not just say, in the end you want? Han Ling Yun Tianhe yarn reach out: so good I tell you I came here to tell you the secret, you know, OK? This evened out who do not suffer losses ~ Yun Tian: I -? ? : Boo for the laugh for the Thunder. Thoroughly into the sky out to a secluded whichever not my ever-changing! Yun Ling Tian and Han turned to the sound out of yarn after I saw a light in a blue? ? Han Ling yarn: it! This is, what is this? Ghosts? Yun Tian: Do not know who issued from his murderous past? Han Ling yarn: I, I think we start and now he seems to ferocious! Yun Tian: Why run? My father fiercely up more fierce than he. ? ? : Wu Nai Kui Zhao Feng guarding the place where his orders so that it Libi intruders trespassing on the spot! Han Lingsha surprised: Libi top spot Savage careful friends. And Kui Zhao Yun Tianhe operations: see sword! Han Ling yarn: see two swords! Han Ling yarn: No! This cut also cut a few hundred years does not hurt him! Had to move a dead horse with that horse a living to feed you stop and listen to my doctors mantra against him with us goes with Xianshu Tianhe: What Xianshu? I will not! Han Ling yarn: fool ~ why they want you to stop and listen to me read a crash course stronger than you to die! Road, consistent with God as the days stretch ear gas and run to a gas and a gas and the tragic occurrence of Yin and Yang Shu Qi and turbulent wind and thunder in the air and personal air and a sense of the respiratory tract law to pass. Yun Tian: You, you read a little too fast slow down I can not remember! Han Ling yarn: Run the water under the all-pervasive; inflammation on fire does not burn no matter; Ray of Su-grabbing all-conquering; wind Stanford seamless opaque brush; soil of the nutrient-free material, not financial! Well! We do our best to hit him! Operations with Xianshu and Quebec called cloud Tianhe: Curse the wind! Han Ling yarn: Curse the wind! Han Lingsha support could not squat on the ground: (not too much how I wish not to die here there is death and the unknown with the Peak Savage) goes Tianhe: amazing fight I had with you! See the arrow! Kui Zhao Yun Tianhe shoots an arrow as Han Ling yarn can not believe: You Kui Zhao: Wang Shu turned out to be the owner came to town. Yun Tian:! Master? ! Quebec call: No wonder I sensed 'Wang Shu qi' and the initial awakening of the words and deeds so that the mistaken commit to the master indulgences. Kui Zhao Yun Tian and Han Ling as yarn bowed: Quebec call rotation. Han Ling yarn: disappear? Yun Tianhe put down the bow and the sword: Han Ling Hu ~ good risk yarn admire: you are so good ~ So you knew that monster afraid of your bow and sword! Yun Tian: I do not know that it is not afraid to use the hack can not win anyway, he does not have a shot? Han Lingsha pouted: What a stupid thing, or engage in a long time that you more power and prestige it goes Tianhe: What? Han Ling yarn: No, Yes, I said that this cave is not enough to actually have this strange thing. Yun Tian: Han Ling yarn: how to feed it? Anyhow, just so awe-inspiring changes now would not be foolishly scared silly, right? Tian Han Lingsha asakumo see places to see in the past: the Chamber of Secrets? ! This ground seems to be Taoist spell! So that is the use of force to have character-driven spirit? ! Han Lingsha pleased: Great! I know the legend is true art of sword play! Yun Tian: Sword? Han Ling yarn: It is an immortal thing will be flying a lot of the kind of magic ~ Han Ling yarn: Perhaps your father who is also the Sword of the affinity of the people he allowed into the cave must have been worried that disclosure of the whereabouts of the Sword right? Yun Tian: I do not know the father did not account for the front yarn through Han Ling: Oh ~ answer any of them really boring! But I see that support you is perhaps the odd sword Sword thing yet. Yun Tian: how do you know? Even in front of my father have never given. Han Ling yarn: hehe stupid doing otherwise just frightened soul who breaks? Besides the general about the sword the sword three feet long, but many of the most bizarre beyond the hilt and the blade is not jiange between the grip to how? Arena sword hanging Jiansui rule Wu Jian Wen bad to say this is a 'force sword', goes like Tianhe sympathetic: not only points to cut the sword and used to shoot it? Han Lingsha shook his hand: large ~ ~ Special ~ wrong wrong! Savage Peak, who in addition to your sword used this shot! Sword of the copper and iron to create an unusual little better also, but Sleeve, Darksteel the sword you'd see non-payment of non-jade texture. Yun Tian: The sword that is not used to cut wood to do? Han Lingsha smile: not the same as it was just not the same screw around with the kids. On What is the name of this sword? Yun Tian: Oh ~ ~ that my father had explained this is the sword! Han Ling yarn: you playing me? I know this is not the sword the name I ask it? Yun Tianhe scratched his head: I said it is called 'This is the sword' Han Ling yarn: hehe ~ how could I see the sword, if not the magic weapon which can be considered to be  <a href=""><strong>rubiks cube</strong></a>  <a href=""><strong>m3 ds real</strong></a>  <a href=""><strong>cheap digital frames</strong></a>   <a href=""><strong>hello kitty shoes</strong></a>  <a href=""><strong>girls bikini</strong></a> taking such a stupid name? Yun Tian: mussels name is Davis said.
