JFreeChart 首頁:
JFreeChart API:
package HelloJChart;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel;
import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation;
import org.jfree.data.category.CategoryDataset;
import org.jfree.data.category.DefaultCategoryDataset;
public class HelloBarChart extends JFrame{
public HelloBarChart(){
CategoryDataset dataset = createDataset();
JFreeChart chart = createChart(dataset);
chart = customizeChart(chart);
ChartPanel chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart);
chartPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500, 270));
public static void main(String[] args){
new HelloBarChart();
private CategoryDataset createDataset(){
// row keys...
String series1 = "First";
String series2 = "Second";
String series3 = "Third";
// column keys...
String category1 = "Category 1";
String category2 = "Category 2";
String category3 = "Category 3";
String category4 = "Category 4";
String category5 = "Category 5";
// create the dataset...
DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();
dataset.addValue(1.5, series1, category1);
dataset.addValue(4.2, series1, category2);
dataset.addValue(3.0, series1, category3);
dataset.addValue(5.0, series1, category4);
dataset.addValue(5.0, series1, category5);
dataset.addValue(5.5, series2, category1);
dataset.addValue(7.8, series2, category2);
dataset.addValue(6.0, series2, category3);
dataset.addValue(8.0, series2, category4);
dataset.addValue(4.0, series2, category5);
dataset.addValue(4.0, series3, category1);
dataset.addValue(3.0, series3, category2);
dataset.addValue(2.0, series3, category3);
dataset.addValue(3.0, series3, category4);
dataset.addValue(6.0, series3, category5);
return dataset;
private JFreeChart createChart(final CategoryDataset dataset){
JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart(
"Hello Bar Chart", // chart title
"Category", // domain axis label
"Value", // range axis label
dataset, // data
PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, // orientation
true, // include legend
true, // tooltips?
false // URLs?
return chart;
private JFreeChart customizeChart(final JFreeChart chart){
return chart;
DefaultCategoryDataSet class:
public void addValue(double value, java.lang.Comparable rowKey, java.lang.Comparable columnKey) public void addValue(java.lang.Number value, java.lang.Comparable rowKey, java.lang.Comparable columnKey)
value - the value
rowKey - the row key
columnKey - the column key
org.jfree.data.DatasetUtilities class:
public static CategoryDataset createCategoryDataset(String rowKeyPrefix, String columnKeyPrefix, java.lang.Number[][] data) public static CategoryDataset createCategoryDataset(String[] rowKeys, String[] columnKeys, double[][] data) public static CategoryDataset createCategoryDataset(String rowKey, KeyedValues rowData)
rowKeyPrefix - the row key prefix.
columnKeyPrefix - the column key prefix.
rowKeys - the row keys.
columnKeys - the column keys.
data - the data.
private CategoryDataset createDataset(){ double[][] data = new double[][]{{1.0, 43.0, 35.0, 58.0, 54.0, 77.0, 71.0, 89.0} , {54.0, 75.0, 63.0, 83.0, 43.0, 46.0, 27.0, 13.0} , {41.0, 33.0, 22.0, 34.0, 62.0, 32.0, 42.0, 34.0} }; return DatasetUtilities.createCategoryDataset("Series ", "Factor ", data); }
ChartFactory class:
public static JFreeChart createBarChart(java.lang.String title, java.lang.String categoryAxisLabel, java.lang.String valueAxisLabel, CategoryDataset data, PlotOrientation orientation, boolean legend, boolean tooltips, boolean urls)
title - the chart title.
categoryAxisLabel - the label for the category axis.
valueAxisLabel - the label for the value axis data - the dataset for the chart.
orientation - the plot orientation (PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL or PlotOrientation.VERTICAL).
legend - a flag specifying whether or not a legend is required.
tooltips - configure chart to generate tool tips?
urls - configure chart to generate URLs?
private JFreeChart createChart(final CategoryDataset dataset){ JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart( "Hello Bar Chart", // 题目
"Category", //行名称
"Value", // 列名称
dataset, // 数据
PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, // 横向,纵向
true, // 图例
true, // 柱状说明 false // URLs? ); return chart; }
private JFreeChart customizeChart(final JFreeChart chart){ return chart; }
ChartPanel class:
public ChartPanel(JFreeChart chart) public ChartPanel(JFreeChart chart, boolean useBuffer) public ChartPanel(JFreeChart chart, boolean properties, boolean save, boolean print, boolean zoom, boolean tooltips) public ChartPanel(JFreeChart chart, int width, int height, int minimumDrawWidth, int minimumDrawHeight, int maximumDrawWidth, int maximumDrawHeight, boolean useBuffer, boolean properties, boolean save, boolean print, boolean zoom, boolean tooltips)
chart - the chart.
useBuffer - a flag controlling whether or not an off-screen buffer is used.
properties - a flag indicating whether or not the chart property editor should be available via the popup menu.
save - a flag indicating whether or not save options should be available via the popup menu.
print - a flag indicating whether or not the print option should be available via the popup menu.
zoom - a flag indicating whether or not zoom options should be added to the popup menu.
tooltips - a flag indicating whether or not tooltips should be enabled for the chart.
width - the preferred width of the panel.
height - the preferred height of the panel.
minimumDrawWidth - the minimum drawing width.
minimumDrawHeight - the minimum drawing height.
maximumDrawWidth - the maximum drawing width.
maximumDrawHeight - the maximum drawing height.
public HelloBarChart(){ CategoryDataset dataset = createDataset(); JFreeChart chart = createChart(dataset); chart = customizeChart(chart); ChartPanel chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart); chartPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500, 270)); getContentPane().add(chartPanel); pack(); setVisible(true); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); }