Let kannel 1.4.3 support the bootstrap of the WiMAX

Let kannel 1.4.3 support the bootstrap of the WiMAX

1.If kannel is runing,stop it first.

wget http://localhost:13000/shutdown?password=bar

2.Modify the pack_accept() function for the Bootstrap of the WiMAX in the wsp_header.c.

static int pack_accept(Octstr *packed, Octstr *value)
List *parms;
long media;
char *wi_bootstrap;
char wb_buf[50];

parms = wsp_strip_parameters(value);
/* XXX we need to obey which WSP encoding-version to use */
media = wsp_string_to_content_type(value);
/* media = wsp_string_to_versioned_content_type(value, WSP_1_2);*/

/* added by javen for wimax bootstrap */
wi_bootstrap = "application/vnd.wmf.bootstrap";
octstr_get_many_chars(wb_buf, value, 0, strlen(wi_bootstrap));
//printf("buf is:\n");
wb_buf[strlen(wi_bootstrap)] = '\0';
if (strcmp(wb_buf, wi_bootstrap) == 0){
media = 0x0318;
//printf("strcmp(a,b): %d\n", strcmp(wb_buf, wi_bootstrap));
//printf("media is:\n");//=792

/* See if we can fit this in a Constrained-media encoding */
if (parms == NULL && media <= MAX_SHORT_INTEGER) {
wsp_pack_constrained_value(packed, value, media);
//printf("parms == NULL && media <= MAX_SHORT_INTEGER");
} else {
Octstr *encoding = octstr_create("");

if (media >= 0)
wsp_pack_integer_value(encoding, media);
wsp_pack_text(encoding, value);

wsp_pack_parameters(encoding, parms);
wsp_pack_value(packed, encoding);

gwlist_destroy(parms, parm_destroy_item);
return 0;

3.Compile the kannel 1.4.3 again

make bindir=/OneMS/gateway-1.4.3/bin install

4.Run the the kannel 1.4.3 again

./bearerbox -v 1 pushkannel.conf &
./wapbox -v 1 pushkannel.conf &
