Ensuing to the discussion that we had on the functionally solving problems that we had before. Where we have Reverse Polish notation calculator, we have yet another problem to solve, which is called Heathrow to London
basically the problem is that there are certains means to take from Heathrow to Londo, they start at the initial locatoin at A lane, at node 1, and then it will progress either forward at the same lane, or take a route to another lane. and we know each route has certain weight, the solution is to find the most effective way to travel from Heathrow to London in the shortest path.
There is some general guide on how to solve problems with Haskell.
- Forget Haskell for a minute and think about how we’d solve the problem by hand
- Think about how we’re going to represent our data in Haskell
- Fig Figure out how to operate on that data in Haskell so that we produce at a solution
First we will define some data to helps us tackle the problem.
data Section = Section { getA :: Int, getB :: Int, getC :: Int } deriving (Show)
type RoadSystem = [Section]
we repsent a group called section, which has three route, one is to A, another to B, and the last is to C (which means goes another route to another lane).
before this solution, we might have come up some solution which may define data structure as below.
data Node = Node Road Road | EndNode Road
data Road = Road Int Node
or even like this , if you prefer to use Maybe data.
data Node = Node Road ( Maybe Road )
data Road = Road Int Node
Since we have define the datascture to represent the path and the the RoadSystem, we might start to work out some solution, to aid us to do that ,we might define some data that enables us to track the current state and the path we will take along the way.
here are the datas.
data Label = A | B | C deriving ( Show )
type Path = [( Label , Int )]
with that, we may represent the solution by the following.
[(B ,10) ,(C ,30) ,(A ,5) ,(C ,20) ,(B ,2) ,(B ,8)]
we might has some helper function, which keeps track the optimal path to A node at section N or the optimal path to B nodes at section N... Here is the code that helps to find what it is .
roadStep :: (Path, Path) -> Section -> (Path, Path)
roadStep (pathA, pathB) (Section a b c) =
let priceA = sum $ map snd pathA
priceB = sum $ map snd pathB
forwardPriceToA = priceA + a
crossPriceToA = priceB + b + c
forwardPriceToB = priceB + b
crossPriceToB = priceA + a + c
newPathToA = if forwardPriceToA <= crossPriceToA
then (A,a):pathA
else (C,c):(B,b):pathB
newPathToB = if forwardPriceToB <= crossPriceToB
then (B,b):pathB
else (C,c):(A,a):pathA
in (newPathToA, newPathToB)
with that, we can find the optimal solution by the following.
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
optimalPath :: RoadSystem -> Path
optimalPath roadSystem =
let (bestAPath, bestBPath) = foldl roadStep ([],[]) roadSystem
in if sum (map snd bestAPath) <= sum (map snd bestBPath)
then reverse bestAPath
else reverse bestBPath
and we now need to parse the input and feed that into the optimalPath solution so that it can solve that partical problem. we create a function called groupOf, which can split the list into groups of the same size. here is the code that does it.
groupsOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
groupsOf 0 _ = undefined
groupsOf _ [] = []
groupsOf n xs = take n xs : groupsOf n (drop n xs)
and it is the main method which does the work .
main = do
contents <- getContents
let threes = groupsOf 3 (map read $ lines contents)
roadSystem = map (\[a,b,c] -> Section a b c) threes
path = optimalPath roadSystem
pathString = concat $ map (show . fst) path
pathPrice = sum $ map snd path
putStrLn $ "The best path to take is: " ++ pathString
putStrLn $ "The price is: " ++ show pathPrice