Difference between C++ class and struct

C++ Standard has an explanation for the difference. The first difference is described in 11.2 Accessibility of base classes and base class members


In the absence of an access-specifier for a base class, public is assumed when the derived class is defined with the class-key struct and private is assumed when the class is defined with the class-key class.


The second difference is described in 11.1 Access specifiers. The explanation is in comments in the example code.


The following code shows this difference.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct SPerson {
  void hello() const {
    cout << "hello\n";

class CPerson {
  void hello() const {
    cout << "hello\n";

class Base {
    void hello() const {
      cout << "hello\n";

struct SDerived: Base {

class CDerived: Base {

int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
  SPerson sp;
  CPerson cp;
  cp.hello(); // compile error

  SDerived sd;
  CDerived cd;
  cd.hello(); // compile error

  return 0;

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/92859/what-are-the-differences-between-struct-and-class-in-c is a discussion about the difference. Since stackoverflow can't be accessed sometimes in China, I write this post.


