
       已经被上海爱立信录取,悬着的心终于可以落下了。因为被录取的事 CN 部门,而我一直对 JAVA 比较感兴趣,所以对工作内容有点困惑,去 CSDN 上发了个贴,听听大家的意见:如果真的这样,我就要离开心爱的 JAVA 了。我一直喜欢 JAVA ,喜欢 Eclipse, 喜欢 Open Source ,喜欢来 CSDN JAVA 版,喜欢去 SourceForge 逛逛 ... 可是,现在要去接触全新的语言了,我想过放弃这个 offer ,想过重新找一个单位,做我热爱的 JAVA...... 但是现在这个企业是非常好的企业,也是我一直向往的企业) .... 在一个企业自己的平台下工作,会不会以后不好跳槽了呵?是不是只能呆在那个企业了呢?有经验的说说吧 :)
    From your ID, I get to know that we come from the same university and the same school. Further more, from your description of the company you will join in, I guess it is ericson in <city w:st="on"><place w:st="on">Shanghai</place></city>. Am I right?
Actually, it is a well known and really good telcommunication company. And <chmetcnv w:st="on" tcsc="0" numbertype="1" negative="False" hasspace="False" sourcevalue="3" unitname="g">3G</chmetcnv> is becomming more and more popular so that this field will have a bright future and excellent potential in Chinese macket. So basically it is not a bad idea to take your internship there.
However I find that you are a Java fan as well as me. Whereas the job in that company will not facilitate your personal interests. Based on my experiences, acquiring a job that can both provide good salary and meet your interests is nearly impossible for a fresh graduation student. Especially in a big transnational company, you are always playing a too small role to control your career in that environment. What only we can do is to strengthen ourselves on both technical and non-techincal capabilities, adpat to the working environment and style, learn as much as possible and finally create your career and life style.
In a word, boy, just do it. It's an admirable opportunity for you. Please cherish it.
Nearly forhet to tell you, I am a senior student of COSE. Maybe ther is one day you can know me
看了他的回帖还是收获不小。 I am eager to know him J OK, Now I do really know what I should to do !
